
Thats... Thats not how physics works...

Women shouldn't even be allowed to take public transportation, because our menstruation attracts bears and that's putting everyone at risk. Biology.

I think men should be allowed to spread their legs as wide as they want on the bus as long as women are allowed to change our tampons on the bus and throw the used ones at the most annoying passengers. Because of biology.

Men have a high center of gravity, broad shoulders, and narrow hips. Because of this we'll tip over if we sit with our legs together.

thanks to misandry, women are the only people allowed to have children. Oh wait, that's not a thing

Of the three major cities I've lived in (London, Boston, Toronto), Toronto is THE FUCKING WORST for public transportation etiquette.

I think they're really cute. And I think when everyone is wearing the exact same pouffy cocktail dress and heels, it looks boring.

Yeah, I don't think the fact that a CEO of a "breastaurant" is a sleazy sexist jerk is a OMG KEYSER SOZE moment for any of use, really. It's that CBS offered said jerk a spot on a highly visible primetime show and tried to pass it off as heartwarming gobbley goo hopefully without anyone noticing how vile this shit

I haven't even made it to midnight the last couple of years. I gave up on NYE a few years back, because it was just one shitshow after another. There was the year my date got shitfaced, took off his shirt in the bar (and it wasn't intimidating aaaanyone), barfed on my shoes, then disappeared and never did remember how

I'm going to open a testeraunt.

Yeah sometimes I read comments and I go "wow that is a totally refreshing perspective and I'm glad this person gave me something to think about" but whenever it's a local newspaper the reaction is generally more like "HOLY SHIT HUMAN BEINGS ARE AWFUL BURN THE WORLD BURN EVERYTHING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH"

Yah, "only looking", which is why he was busted for actual sex in 2012.

That's downright spooky, scary. But that's what happens when boys become men. Men gotta become wolves.

he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?

Tragically sex crimes are not usually considered at the forefront of violent crimes (which tend to get the longest sentences) and sex crimes online even less so. If the perp serves his/her time or gets early release for good behavior, there's not a lot that can be done without changing the laws.

Dogs have a very, very complicated relationship with their beds. They are often "mistook" for chew toys. Also, my dog gets very crabby if we don't drag her bed into whichever room she wants to be in such as the living room or bedroom. HOWEVER when she is in the living room/bedroom, she still insists on sitting on the

give that doggie her rightful cuddles!

My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it.

Actual conversation between tower and airplane (taken from the black box located inside fox anchors head):

These people have so much outdated information.