
Yup, this. My sister wasn't diagnosed until a couple years ago, but it changed her life.

nothing about Gwen Stefani is fair. She's 45, and minus the kids, she looks exactly like she does when Just A Girl hit. (As a ska-loving boy who got intro'd to feminist principles by the Dance Hall Crashers, this pleases me.)

She's got the narcissistic personality down to a t at this point. She trolled us, and then spent the rest of the Christmas day pouting because we didn't praise her gifts enough to her liking. Despite the fact, of course, that she never, EVER says thank you for the gifts she got. I mean, I don't even own a cashmere

I mean, she had to be, right? She kept talking about how we were getting this high-tech fitness stuff (Fitbit, Garmin) and it just never appeared.

My sister ran an impressive con this year: told me and my brother all month about "all the money" she was spending on us for Christmas. A Fitbit for him, a Garmin running watch thingy for me, lots and lots of expensive gifts, etc. We both panic and spend WAY TOO MUCH ON HER. He bought her a shit-ton of those expensive

Khloe didn't go as far as having IVF, did she? And besides, they all have surrogate money if it comes to that.

Could it all be because she can't have the one thing she really wants — another baby?

Living in Ireland, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the vast majority of people want this woman to be put to rest, including the religious people, who aren't nearly as fundamentalist as their counterparts in the the USA.

I'm gonna go on a tangent and complain about the flipside. If you're planning a large event of an academic/professional context, it is not unreasonable for people to ask if you have religious or vegan options.

My former mother in law is a wonderful, sweet woman but my GOD was she the pickiest eater ever. She had a host of "allergies" that were more "intolerances," as in she wouldn't explode like you would from a peanut allergy, but might have an upset stomach later. That said, a lot of her intolerances were even

So the family should sit around the Christmas tree in silence because this grammar-challenged brat can't be arsed to be polite? Really?! Huh.

Relatives are THE WORST. When are you getting married, when are you having babies. It's like, stop. Dear teens, especially girls, these questions will never end, so be prepared. Even when you do get married and have babies, they will ask when is the next baby coming. Come up with clever ways to respond and just laugh

Now playing

So, basically, almost exactly, the George Carlin "Stuff" bit?

And end to the high rates of incarceration do to non-violent drug crime and an emphasis on rehabilitation over penalization for criminal offenders.

Government sponsored or subsided infant childcare is a big one as well.

"But it's less clear what type of policy measures we might take to address these issues."

My stepdad (whom I love despite all of his human frailties) has been with the trick he left my mom for for forty years. Trick is the nicest thing I could possibly refer to her as. Loathe that see ya next Tuesday.

Once, a couple years ago, my cousin (in middle school at the time) got in an argument with a neighbor boy who he is pretty good friends with. It was stupid boy stuff, I don't know what the original issue was. And the neighbor kid pushed my cousin and said, "you don't even matter since your parents were never married."

How about children whose parent remarried someone they don't like? That could be a cause of emotional instability. NOT THAT I'M ONE OF THOSE KIDS OR ANYTHING

I mean, that's why I broke up with him.