
I see this as more a comedy about how hard the investigation and trial are for him and how hard it is for him to adjust to prison life, because he is so charmingly neurotic. Maybe he hangs himself in an adorably incompetent manner! With a contrasting sub-plot where the daughter has a lovely life.

Big Wig Hollywood Producer: And it's set on a college campus, right? So we can appeal to young people? Maybe sneak in some of the music they're listening to for the soundtrack?

I have a great idea for a Woody Allen movie. It's about this guy, right, and he seems to get away with molesting his daughter until one day the cops come knocking. It's a drama that ends with the main character dying in jail.

WOODY ALLEN: [leans in]

These Sony Leaks are getting more and more fascinating by the day.

"It's clear from their actions that these political activists were more concerned about making a political statement and creating a media event than they were about the safety of others, who came to Mall of America for an afternoon of shopping and family entertainment,"

Um, how does a die in or other peaceful protests endanger anyone's safety? What a bunch of horseshit.

In my head it was him, crying, dragging his blankie by the corner, saying it with a period after each word, between heavy sob-sighs.


It's Kentucky-speak. There's a very weird way some men speak and you have to wrap you brain a bit. He's actually trying to say:

"This is one of those tragic situations where somebody is now without a home and for such a minor reason," said Frankfort Police Major Robert Warfel. "It's disturbing."

Now, remember, as you read this story, #notallmen and "anecdotes do not equal data", so this never happens in the real world and all you fragile wimminz shouldn't get your panties in a bunch because things like this don't ever happen really most of the time not often once in a while.

I just cannot stand her. I mean, not that my Black ass means anything to her. But:

I think that's rather deliberate on the part of the powers that be. Because if you say that Brinsley shot his girlfriend then went up to NYC to shoot a couple of cops in order to gain notoriety it doesn't quite read as victim-y as "the cops were shot down by someone from Maryland because of Eric Garner and Michael

Welllll...that's because truth.

I had a good friend from college tell me that she thinks we have access to too much information these days, and then said (I wish I were kidding, I used to be quite close with her) "Like with Bill Cosby. Why do we need to know about what happened twenty years ago? It just makes everyone upset."

I'm almost wondering how he even ever had time to work. Was he just hanging out in his goddamn patchwork robe, raping people like constantly?

Maybe I missed something but I REALLY find it telling that no one from Black Hollywood besides Whoopi and other convicted rapists are coming to his side. Not Mrs. Rashad not Mr. Poitier not even Mr. Belafonte. I mean NO ONE is rushing to his defense. No one is saying 'Oh Dr. Cosby is incapable of doing this because

Kara, maybe its because I consider you the RBG of Shade Court, but holy shit I could not love you more.

I admit, I could never make this look this good: