
Let me be super clear about this: I think everyone should be allow to love whomever they want and be a religious person. I don't think that religious sect of any kind should discriminate against gay people. With that being said, I understand how and why a person might decide they want to live within their communities

But QTip's message is literally about race. That is what this conversation is about. This is issue is about race, period. Having people jump in and be dismissive simply because they don't like the message is totally part of the problem. Black voices are not heard for reasons such as people turning up their noses at a

I managed to make this about race? Qtip is specifically tweeting about race. This is a race issue, period. It's already about race. That is the point. I didn't make it so but "LOL" at the timeless "get over yourself" when a white person doesn't like it when race is addressed. I'm under myself very comfortably, thank

Where did I accuse you of being a racist? I'm pointing out that you are specifically being dismissive of a medium that has been incredibly meaningful to the black community. As a person of privilege you are having a hard time understanding that. Me pointing that out is not the same as accusing you of being a racist.

Yeah I saw that comment. Your point of view is sad and extremely dismissive, especially to black voices who use Twitter because that is often the ONLY way they have to reach out and get people to hear them. If your first reaction to a black man reaching out to talk about something as powerful as slavery to the

Exactly. He didn't start out to write an essay. He was trying to jump into an ongoing discussion, to address journalists and artists and this is what came out. It's a powerful statement from an important figure in music. I'm ecstatic we have a medium of communication accessible from a device we put in our pockets that

"Why would someone pick up a phone and dial all those numbers when you could just hop on your horse and trot over to their house to tell them what you want to tell them?" —You, 100 years ago.

1. Because twitter is the medium through which all of this started, and the only one where it can be guaranteed Iggy would see his message.

Q-Tip is WELL over the age of 25. He's using an effective medium. And Jezebel put it into a nice little essay form for you, so I don't see what the problem is.

Q-Tip is in his 40s. This is clearly about public communication, not youth.

I think this man was mentally ill. He didn't kill those police officers for the cause. He killed them because he wanted to be known. If you check out his Facebook page you'll see a status where he clearly has suicidal ideation. You'l also see some statuses that are misogynistic in nature (which explains why he

You know what? There is a reason why we have publishing houses. You know, people who know something about writing, plots and the bigger picture, reading your work before the general public has to deal with it.

Don't besmirch the good name of dildos by comparing them to bros. One is a masturbating tool and the other is a tool for masturbation.

Latino nannies.

yes, and according to the article, they're only "shut down" until [wait for it!] 2016!

Does shutting down frats actually do anything? They seem to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and maintain their mansions back on campus or nearby with relative ease after a very short period of time.

Definitely the clearest way to show that you're a bunch of dicks.

Who the fuck is raising these guys?

There's always money in the banana stand, too.

These cases occurred over the span of two months? I would think that after the first case, there would have been a full court press to determine the cause, broadcast it to everyone and then pull the contaminated food. I don't understand how this persisted for two months.