
Way more than 20, apparently. I keep seeing dudes who are generally socially progressive, like real leaders in the #Blacklivesmatter movement, posting stuff about how this is a conspiracy against Cosby because he's a positive black role model, or whatever. Super fucking depressing. At least there's always lots of

Because rape is so often one persons word against another's, I would say when its dozens of people's word against one, maybe this case(s) is different than other rape allegations. How many women need to speak up before their words are equal to Bill Cosby's?

Even if only one woman out of 20 is telling the truth, that means he's still a rapist.

It is the portrait of a man I do not know.

I know it's gotta be hard for it to come out that your husband's a monster (not that she couldn't have known), and I know some PR/lawyer wrote this, but still:

That is a good start but what I would love is for her to shadow me when I'm answering hospital calls for people who are suspected to have been sexually assaulted. Listen as I discuss with them their options. Should they do a kit? Should they report the kit anonymously? What about preventative meds? Plan B? Sit with me

Whoopi Goldberg ALWAYS takes the man's side in any story where his opponent(s) is female. Always. No exceptions.

Wow. Someone needs to go on the view and specifically go over Whoopi's rape apology list and take her to task on each one.

The Encylopedia Brown remark made me spit my coffee. So, you regularly have dinner with the chief of police, and when he's onto a case he just can't crack, he'll take his notebook out of his breast pocket and let you have a whack at it? "But wait ... you said he wore a BLUE hat when he walked into the room! Case

See what you can do to ease the workload around the house. If you don't know how to do something, *ask* - but be prepared to face her wrath.

that's awesome about your fiance. i have also noticed that while mra's decry feminism and its advances (bad women don't need me to survive!) they also seem like the men least likely to have picked up the traditional masculine responsibilities during more patriarchal times (bad woman's forced dependence is making me

It is articles like this that make me love my husband even more.....if that's possible. He found out he was going to be a father at 20 and became a father at 21. I was his baby mama, now wife. He stepped up and is honestly the best father on the planet. I have never once questioned his ability to parent, be a

Resentment? Are you talking about the resentment a man feels toward his pregnant partner? What does he have to resent, exactly? That he gets to walks around for 10 months, his body unchanged, eating and drinking what he wants, continuing his career without disruption, sleeping comfortably through the night, continuing

I have the (un)fortunate privilege of staying home with my kids. Taking care of a toddler this time around, as opposed to working full time during my first pregnancy, was so much harder for me. I was angry, lonely, depressed, exhausted, and starving all the time.

Truth. The last month is horrible. I didn't mind being pregnant until the ninth month and then all of a sudden it was THE WORST and NOTHING WILL EVER BE OKAY and I WILL NEVER HAVE THIS BABY. I always wondered why pregnant women got so dramatic when their due date passed, but the idea of two more weeks of that hell is

My awesome ex could not handle my pregnant emotions, and decided getting in my face and calling me a cunt was the slickest way to settle things. Then, after the baby arrived, he enrolled in college and I was instructed never to bother him, since he was taking a full load of courses. He would join us for dinner- that

Forgive Yourself & Try Harder.

(Some) men often like to spout about the "inherent biological differences" that they feel should allow them to treat women like crap. I notice they never talk about the inherent responsibility that would go along with "inherent biological differences". That of nurturing and protecting the woman giving birth to their

The last few months of being pregnant are BRUTAL. I was a pretty chill pregnant lady up until the end. You can't sleep, your boobs may be already leaking, at any moment a foot may jut painfully into an organ or just out your side. You may have pooping problems. You may be peeing your pants. Your maternity shirts stop

My Grandpa (Papa) always was disappointed in the fact that my Mom, my Aunt, and my cousin, were all incredibly calm while pregnant. And serene. Including during birth.

Because my Granny was FUCKING INSANE. During all 3 births, she would stand on the bed and scream "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME." and throw shit. The first