
Here's the thing: It's a heroically dumb idea, but not dumbo's fault that the crane operator didn't secure their equipment properly. Unless things are really different in the Netherlands, you can't just walk onto the lot, rent heavy construction equipment, & drive off into the sunset with your rent-by-the-hour crane.

Inspired by, the one and only, Miley Cyrus.

SLOOTJES LOPIK. That's what it says on the crane, and that's what you get for using a crane from IKEA.

It's not really an assumption. It's true that there is a trend that magazines with a woman of color on the cover don't sell as well. It's not just about making a more interesting cover - it's about racism being present in basically every facet of our society.

From what I've read, it's not just an assumption, unfortunately. They track sales, and sales are lower when there is a woman of color on the cover. It doesn't excuse the situation, but it helps explain it.

Don't know about the diaper, but there were definitely photos of him crying in Australia. I don't think he actually does as many public appearances as it seems. Most of the photos of him seem to be from brief sightings at events, not like he's in his mom's arms for hours at a lunch or anything. In Australia, if I

She qualified it by saying "models on the cover".

The sad truth is, and I say this as a Black man, is that the wider public in Europe and the U.S. buy fashion magazines and a lower rate when women of color are on the cover. The problem is not with the magazines. They just want to sell mags. The problem is with the public and the rest of society that is still racist.


He looks oddly familiar.

So glad I clicked on this article while in my third trimester, after having eaten warmed up leftovers, microwaved in Tupperware, for lunch most of the week... :-(

And what about your friend who is now pregnant and no one wants to hang out with her anymore? I promise you it sucks a whole lot. And she then becomes a regular commenter on Jezebel because most of her friends have forgotten about her.

I have realized this past week that I have a Lopsided Friendship with the person I share an office with. Whenever she has a work problem, she expects me to drop everything and listen to her- I am not kidding- read her emails out loud. Then she basically wants to go over how she should reply.

Makes sense. It's so much harder for them to get married and have it be respected, I think it's not done as lightly as it may be in other cases. Straight couples sometimes feel the need to be married because they're pregnant, because it's expected, because they want sex (religious), etc. Gay couples get married

We also found out yesterday that any direct deposit bank account information has been leaked. Luckily this is much easier to change then our social security numbers.

I'm glad it resonated. I can't even imagine what it must be like over there. Any chance you or one of your coworkers would be interested in writing (anonymously) a little something about what it's been like? Would love the chance to share that perspective with our readers to keep driving the point home that there are

THIS THIS THIS. Thank you so much Brian Barrett.

I'd just like to let you know that we appreciate that you and many other news sources are not reporting stories using any of this data from ordinary employees (other than general statements and vague descriptions like this article).

Wrong Sony. And you should read the article since it's not about people like you having your data stolen.