
His place is so clean and generically decorated! Do you think he used the photos from the ads before he moved in, and photoshopped the Lays in to add some personality, or do you think he cleaned up real nice before taking pictures so he could prey on the homeless girl of his dreams?

Jay was definitely involved. Jay definitely came up with a story to explain his involvement (believing he was likely to be arrested as he'd been caught on cameras that in fact did not exist). Jay pinned it all on Adnan because he had Adnan's car, his phone, and Hae was his ex-girlfriend so Jay could attribute a shaky

I wish I could just take her home and let her nap and eat wet food and play with feathered things and never have to be in front of another camera ever again for the rest of her little kitty life. Poor dear.

It would be nice if maybe Grumpy Cat's owners used her face to help kitties in need, like Lil Bub's human does.

From old Tina Fey SNL news sketch about the Hefner Harem...

OK fine y'all. Let me be blunt about this. I get there's a lot of people here who want to be like "oh Burt but you don't understand the dynamics of a writing room" and all this (and mind you, I DO—have been there, done that, OK?) But IDGAF if Tina Fey wrote or approved the joke. Too many of us in the media and in the

Tina Fey is credited as the sole writer (and exec producer) of the episode in question. Working collaboratively with people in a writer's room does not mean you blindly let them make whatever jokes they want. She approved all of those jokes. Come on, y'all.

This lady is cool and good and anything else positive you can say about her, but I think it's also important to remember that often confrontations like this sometimes only serve to galvanize the protesters. I've been an escort in and around the Chicagoland area for ~7 years now and have seen dozens of wonderful womyn

To be fair, he lives in a ball pit at a local Chuck E. Cheese's, so reluctantly I have to side with him on his proper title here, Anna.

You do not have 5000 ballz and I refuse to dignify that part of your name with a response.

I might use a different name than "TerrorBallz" if I was going around lecturing folks about feeling silly

What happened to 1-66, and why is it so critical that we abort 67?

But then of course I'm not a highly trained police officer...

"Here are some tips to help your child respond appropriately"

What in the actual fuck did I just read? Did the St. Louis Police really think this is how "working together" works?

Azalea Banks is a known asshole, but she is right a lot of the time too. Whereas Iggy Azalea is just a racist asshole, so yeah. No competition there.

I turned on Fox News yesterday to see what they were saying, and even the conservative pundits were saying this was a negligent homicide and the cop deserves to go to jail. Basically the takeaway there was that this was a man who was killed for protesting against high cigarette taxes and big government bullying.

Yes, but did the medical examiner *watch the tape?* Because Jojofriends did! Also, googled "asthma attack," so really, how could you possibly be more prepared to weigh in on this matter than Jojofriends is?

I want to star this 1 million times. The coroner ruled it a homocide.

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.