
Wait. Are you telling me the police in Ferguson are lying and covering things up with more lying lies?! I find this very hard to believe.

Normally, I'm like "free speech" and shit, but the problem is that when that speech is essentially about infringing on sacred rights of other people, I think that it falls under one of my favorite rules about rights.

Which is basically, "your rights are good up until the point they intrude on the rights of others."

More and more, I feel it's important to completely replace most of the Ferguson police department, not just their leaders. The KKK connections. The lying. The fact that this officer had a history of problems. The lack of oversight. I know it's really a problem across the country, but we need to start somewhere. Why

People seem to forget that you can accept an apology without accepting the person. It's a good apology, and especially so with the donations to a good cause. That doesn't mean that we should forget that he made the racist joke in the first place.

Still sucks for Jacqueline Woodson, who had the celebration of a lifetime accomplishment marred by his idiot idea of humor.

Cat will not abide cat-calling...or cat-calling related attempted murder.

You know, I was *going* to say "geez, the dude stabbed him while he and his girlfriend were in a group of people? Like, multiple witnesses and potential defenders/retaliators? That's really intense. Maybe the stabber is a homeless person with a serious untreated mental illness, which would make this a double tragedy,

His cat's name is Babycakes. Babycakes is not to be trifled with.

That cat is the best cat to ever have catted.

If women don't like catcalling why don't they just stand up for themselves?

"I shall avenge you!"

No, Bill, you are not my 好朋友。You're a 老色狼。

"If it's not okay to blame the victims for what was done to them, then it's also not okay to blame the rest of the fallout's collateral damage on anybody but Bill Cosby."

Years ago, I was driving a client to court for something dealing with custody— she was a client at the domestic violence shelter I worked at. On the long drive, we happened to pass the place where she married her husband, and she started quietly sobbing. After a couple of minutes, she said, "You don't marry someone

You just never know what's going on in someone else's relationship. If he's as skilled as manipulator as it seems, she could wholeheartedly believe his version of events. Or be so reliant on him that she sees no other option than to stay with him.

A rape survivor was told by the campus police on my campus not to report because she had been drinking and so no one would believe her. We are currently under investigation by the DOE as well. Another girl was just raped this semester at a sorority house and it was hushed up. Even by the sorority sisters because they

I just thought of a really crazy premise for a sci-fi/magical realism movie. What if we lived in a society where aging was viewed as part of the natural process of life, for people in general and women in particular? What if we weren't all considered obsolete, washed-up, and irrelevant by the time we hit 35? What if,

I like the last few seconds when the dog looks back at the cone like "Can I eat that? I think I can eat that."

What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.

Frankly, the Golden is way smarter than the rest of them. There are a number of huge sausages just lying there, and no little treat or bit of play with one's owner is ever going to make up for just running past them.