
"that was something I wanted to do to make myself feel confident..."

Good for her for being so brave and giving a high profile interview, after suffering in silence for so many years. She will help a lot of women by doing this, not just Cosby's victims.

What about the war on Thanksgiving? The fact that stores are now opening at 6:00 am Thanksgiving morning. All those poor store clerks going without turkey and pie and potatoes. WHY DOESN'T HE CARE ABOUT THAT?!!?!?!?!

I wasn't aware Adobe had a new products called muscles...going to have to check that out.

Don't mind me, I'm just choking to death on some gingerbread cookies, watching Kirk Cameron defend materialism in the name of one of the world historical figures most famous for renouncing it.

"Every inch of this creation"?

Had to google your reference, and, man.... how gross. My view is that it's even more appropriate to punish old criminals, since they enjoyed a free life for decades (unlike their victims). You got away with it for 30 years? Enjoy the memories. In jail.

Sadly, most of the comments I've read about this story and other victims show that Ms. Tarshis' fears were not unfounded. I imagine it would have been 1000x worse 20 years ago when Cosby was at the height of his fame and power.

People get all sentimental about old men. A lot of people thought Byron De La Beckwith should have been left alone and allowed to live out his days comfortably too.

No snark; I applaud this woman's courage in coming forward, even if it is decades after the assault. Despite all the nasty things that people are going to undoubtedly say about her, I hope she feels a sense empowerment in finally being able to share her story.

Cosby performed a couple of days ago in front of a sold-out crowd. He is not senile, as a commenter was posting all over Cosby articles, trying to suggest... I don't know, that he's not responsible and shouldn't be hounded?

I remember someone wrote in to Thatz Not Okay about how someone in their circle of friends raped them, so they removed themselves from anything that had anything to do with that person and the rest of their friends were bad at them.

I've always wondered why the "Lifestyle and Fitness" portion didn't give participants the option to showcase their athleticism. Because looking skinny in a bathing suit does not mean you're physically fit. I would LOVE to see prerecorded clips of each girl doing her said activity where the makeup is off and they're

Hell, not just charged with the crime, you must be convicted of it! And we know the statistics of how many sexual predators are actually convicted of crimes. Hint: It's very low.

Oooh you just cleared up what was bothering me so much about Whoopi's comment. She's got questions for the victim but none for her friend who did this? How about you go ask your friend some of those questions Whoops.

Look at the number of people (including Whoopi) who still refuse to reject convicted rapist Roman Polanski. A conviction isn't the deciding factor for a lot of apologists, they're going to hand wave the charges no matter what comes of them.

Because I'm famous and my friend's famous, I won't question my famous friend about my questions. But maybe social media can clear up a rape victim's process that we don't know anything about but then again, social media is too quick to judge. Anyhoo, "this is a friend of mine and I don't know".

I actually think you're right. Their rationale of, "It's not that we refuse to photograph gay weddings; it's that we don't think we'd do a good job because of our beliefs" sounds absurd to me, but it also seems like they felt they were being sincere.

Between 2 and 8 percent of allegations like this are false. Taking the high point of 8%, considering thirteen women have come forward, the probability that all of them are false allegations is around 0.00000000000000000000000000054975581. If those odds of his innocence are good enough that you don't mind throwing a

Why? Because believing a victim's story is HOW WE START. And seriously... what are the odds when you multiply these stories by ten... by twenty? The culture of silence must end and we can start simply by saying,

"I believe you."