
Beyoncé may be the golden child, but Solange has ALWAYS been the one with killer style. UGH. She's so fucking flawless. Solange has been killing it style wise for years. I should have known she's kill it in a fly as hell fucking pantsuit with a CAPE. My body was not ready to receive it!

Not that you were concerned, but Mama Knowles was looking as regal as always.

Preeeeeeeetty sure Jez called her out on that. Google is your friend, friend.

I understand that Beyoncé is the golden child, but goddamn that Solange has some enviable style.

Feminist gif party!

he was investigated at least once in Montgomery county , PA but no charges were filed because of lack of evidence. I wouldn't put much weight into their investigation effort. I was a sexual assault victim with a case handled by the same county's DA office and my case was dropped because of lack of evidence.

"Most — about two thirds — of the unclaimed bodies here are men (as is the case in Japan), and if it's hard to imagine why adults would go unclaimed, imagine the babies:

Now a trashier state must top Florida by having a daughter, mom, and grandma give birth on the same day. You can do it, guys! 14, 28, 42, go!

Bill Cosby is a creepy old man.

Also, "But I'm so ooooolllllldddddd now. Stop picking on a poor old man just because either he's a serial rapist who got off scot free or fourteen women are lying."

Yeah what's up with that? Since truth is an absolute defence against both slander and libel, Cosby isn't exactly *racing* to the nearest courthouse to file a civil suit, is he?

I would recommend suing Hannibal Buress for his 'slanderous' remarks. How dare he get away with sullying your good name, Mr Cosby. I mean, they were slanderous? Right?

"Goddamn, even his lawyer can't outright deny the validity of these allegations. They're not even trying.Goddamn, even his lawyer can't outright deny the validity of these allegations. They're not even trying."

"B-b-b-but you were successful! Everyone else in your situation who fails is just lazy! Bootstraps! 'Murica! Wharrbargghalhlghgldkfjahd;fjfk"

Okay. But were any of those older men your teachers? Who had actual power over your life to the extent that refusal could have carried negative consequences even if never explicitly stated? Were you afraid you would displease them or lose their emotional support if you did not consent to sex?

As a trial attorney, prosecutor, and father of two girls, I just don't understand that approach- I'd be afraid to use it for fear of pissing off people on the jury who know that it's total bullshit. The ONLY question from the perspective of the district was whether or not the district bears any responsibility; not