
It just goes to show that one man's pleasure is another woman's worst nightmare. He seems so happy. However, after a terrible food poisoning incident that I am 100% sure came from the Olive Garden around 14 years ago I am nauseous even thinking about walking into an Olive Garden.

So scolding some one for over sharing in an autobiography? Why would you read an autobiography and then get mad that the author shared too much?

It seems kinda hurtful and unkind to produce a pic and say "no, really, she looked like a dude!"

I'm not forgetting it. I am not asking for a trans (SPACE) woman to be be cast merely to score political points. I'm asking for a trans woman to be cast because she's good.

Her. The correct pronoun is her.

Which I think is a fair debate actually. We're talking about the effective portrayal of a potentially important biopic (fictionalized or not) so it has to be done well and believably. I have my doubts about moving the transformation backwards. I mentioned before that its important there be a small army of trans folks

Actually, Elbe left behind a semi-fictionalised autobiography of her own, where it seems like she generally kept to the facts, but changed everyone's names. We also have a number of photographs and paintings, letters from Gerda, etc... So I'm going to disagree here that there's not a lot to draw on. And The Danish Girl


I teach high school and have had a many Lauryns and Aaliyahs.

I wish Chris Brown would stop pretending that he's disliked merely because of that one thing he did so many years ago. Beating up Rihanna, his own girlfriend, was just the crown jewel in a very busy tiara of violence and stupidity.

I'm so glad Chris Brown doesn't "have animosity" towards anyone about what happened. Life is so much easier when you are not upset with your victim or the people who were upset about your violence. Having a conscience is like carrying 50 extra pounds. Who needs that burden, man.

If you're a strong woman and your man likes that, then he's a real man.

I think if he would stop being sexist, homophobic, racist asshole every few months then people would be quicker to move on but he keeps showing his ass so nobody believes he's a changed man.

"I think it was a very productive way for folks who disagreed with our legal strategy to express that disagreement and I'm happy to share the Bibles with those who may want them."

Because women are not people, you atheist. They're just property and vessels for children to pass through this world.

Fun fact, the Bible only condemns "man lying down with man", it says nothing about lesbianism.

Probably so. My wife is in an MFA program herself, and she gets whiny dudes like this all the time. It's kind of funny to watch as an outsider because these guys JUST DON'T GET IT. I really think it's a complete and total lack of empathy for half of the world's population.

Instinct tells me a lot of his male colleagues don't find him particularly pleasant, either.

"when you grow up in a culture or community where children having sex is normalised, an adult having sex with a child doesn't seem quite as appalling. It becomes easier to dismiss, to hand-wave away. "

There Goes Custody of Honey Boo Boo