
"Maturing is realizing how many things don't require your comment."

The truth will come out, just not at this moment, because I am still talking...

Is the free space "This is revenge because I dumped her"?

Vengeful ex-girlfriend, and I am MISUNDERSTOOD are missing. Also, God.


I was a 20-year-old woman once and, a grown-ass adult woman now, I'm a lot less amenable to some man's stupid BS now than I was then so, you can call it a tired way of thinking if it pleases you, but it's also the truth. Adult women are waaaaay more capable of standing up for themselves than someone who was an under

I don't think it's about older women needing ego cookies at all. When I was 20, I did not have the spine to stand up against a guy who was abusive to me. I shudder to think what I would have accepted had he been semi-famous. Obviously #notallwomen, but it's not easy when you're younger and still figuring shit out to

It's the same reporter who worked on the Rob Ford story. Not really sure why you wouldn't be inclined to trust his reporting.

I haven't read the Star article. I tend to take anything the do with a grain of salt. That being said...

Yup, yup, yup. I'm Toronto-based, and it's been a weird 24hrs on Facebook, watching people I like "like" his post and reading the comments he got. Being a known douchebag is, in and of itself, not a criminal offense, but it was disheartening how many people just want to believe this jaded ex-gf narrative. I was also

Also, fuck this guy for trying to claim this as BDSM. BDSM is all about consent and comfort of your partner. You never punch someone in the face as soon as they walk in the door without prior consent or discussion (I am not saying this as a joke). I'm so sick of people claiming unwanted violence as sexual kink.

Thank you so much for writing this, Erin/responding to my crazed tweet last night in which I asked if you were planning on doing the same. Sorry to re-post what I wrote in the comments on today's DB, but my thoughts haven't changed much, also I need to get this arbitration brief index done by the end of the day, and

i made the mistake of going on an okcupid date without updating my pictures. figured a 15-lb weight differential wouldn't be DEAL-BREAKING.

Men's biggest fear about online dating: a fat chick.

Rape in families is incredibly complicated and it does NOT need to be. Protocol for law enforcement is always to side with the child until there is basically undeniable evidence (if there is) of no wrongdoing. The problem is that cases get very complicated but law enforcement wants to side with the kid. Yes, it

TLC is supposedly offering all the kids therapy/counselling. After Anna's announcement they said she would be included in that. I hope they offer it to the mom as well- she'll probably be in their lives to one degree or another in the future, and she must be in dire need of help to make these kinds of decisions.

Now playing

Clearly, we don't read the same Cormac McCarthy novels.

Don't lump them all in together, they comprise a family of many individuals and I'm sure there is some love there, but can I get a slow clap for Anna/Chickadee who is calling her mom out on her bullshit, who is encouraging that her own name be put out there as the one who the molester attacked so that this isn't

I feel for Anna so much. I never watched the show, so I can't say I know anything about her, but this is beyond the pale. What a betrayal! Unfortunately, I have seen similar situations play out and the pain it causes. Why her mother would choose to have a relationship with her RAPIST (from what I read, that is what

Simple rule. Date a convicted child molester you lose custody of your kids. If you show that much bad judgement in who you date what kind of parent are you.