
Let's see, filling out my "Shit that the Williams Sisters Have to Deal With" Bingo card.

Generally when Black women start dominating a "traditionally white sports" that's when they start talking about the lack of elegance, the lack of artistry, and how now it's all about strength and blablah.

Huh. Doesn't matter if its ballet, gymnastics or tennis, people legitimately get salty when a black woman dominates in "traditionally white sports".

The chief neonatologist at the very respected teaching hospital where I had MiniMinkoff poo-pooed my suggestion that it seemed my milk supply was simply not coming in sufficiently to feed Mini told me, "Nonsense. Any woman walking down the street out there can produce enough milk to feed that baby tomorrow. You have a

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:

Completely serious. It's going on in several Southern states. They are running drug tests on delivering mothers and then busting them if they turn up positive. One woman attempted suicide and failed, but it killed the fetus- she's up for life in prison. There was a 16 year old who had a stillbirth (cord wrapped around

Okay I don't get why so many people have to be like this. You didn't have a big ceremony, great! Good for you! Why did you have to put in the dig about just not understanding the people who aren't like you? I highly doubt you actually literally don't understand why someone would want to throw a big party.

Re: Hypothetical groom reviewing dress options - Not planning a wedding, either, but I managed to find out thewickedboyfriend's charming opinion on wedding dresses:

Ding! You win hopefully not being in Ireland with a working uterus. Congrats!

Fun reminder: there is one first world nation which receives the same failing grade as El Salvador from the Center for Reproductive Rights on basic legal protections of women's reproductive rights. Everyone shout it out!!

Hey Jude

It scares me how there is seemingly an infinite supply of creeps on the internet. I bet most of those people are totally pleasant in real life too. Like, it makes me worry that I have some acquaintance or neighbor or coworker or distant relative who blows off steam by going online and making fun of domestic violence

Eyyy Mark- I appreciate the "warning" within the article prior to quoting the horrible things people online are saying about Mack. That shows a kind of awareness that such content (verbal abuse, bullying) may be triggering for the reader and is not to be exploited…

I will not address the awful comments. I'll move on to something else.

So we're done with blow jobs now, right? Wrap it up, ladies, the bros have spoken.

Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.

What's wrong with being a dick-sucking whore?

I used to work in a strip club/adult store/massage parlor. We had internet booths, with some free porn access. Every. fucking. week, random middle-aged, well-dressed, white guy in a suit would scuttle out of his booth like he had a red hot potato jammed up his ass and scoot out of the store and almost without

There are two answers, really:

That's easy! Legit porn production companies are not at all interested in being charged with child sexual abuse. So they require legal confirmation that any actor they employ is, without question, of age to participate in sex films. They really don't fuck around.