
I get why her show is more scrutinized than others - that's the downside of being the first of your kind.

Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and

Ooh I wonder what this here shiny Internet button does? Woops, child pornos! Oh lawdy, now confound it how did that happen? I'm gettin' the vapors, must be all those sasparillas I drank!

"We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody,

Yes (sarcasm), because childhood sexual abuse is totally an "accident." I call fucking bullshit on this. These monsters, they don't pull shit like this by "accident." Hell to the motherfucking no. They purposely go looking for these images and videos, they purposely go after people they feel are vulnerable, they purpos

I know someone (not voluntarily mind you) who was recently caught for exactly this. He said every. single. thing. Grisham did. It was spooky.

I'm an attorney practicing in family court in NYC....the other day a female lawyer on the opposing side decided to oh, I don't know, zealously advocate for her client as is her job and duty, and a particularly old school Judge decided to give her a completely inappropriate scolding that involved telling her to stop

I would LOVE to know the judge's reasoning here when opposing counsel AGREED to stay the hearing. When opposing counsel agrees he practically is certifying that the stay of hearing will not prejudice his client in any material way by doing so. Yes the judge is free to overide these decisions as they always are but

Because judges always, especially if the opposing party has no issue, grant leaves and extensions. Always. If asking for a leave was a huge thing that no one ever did, I might have a bit less sympathy here, but it's not. Extensions are granted as a matter of course, and the fact that this judge didn't is wrong (if not

Right? As a pediatrician, my least favorite is when they claim that list includes being a "nurse" or a "pediatrician." No, you're not. It took us a lot of time and money and licensing to get those degrees. Putting a bandaid on a cut =/= health professional. STFU.

No one does. That's why we have "suspension from school" versus "expulsion". Suspension is for when you done f-d up, but they're still sorting out the details. Like a criminal trial!

She said "no," and he admitted she said "no," but...he decided it was reasonable to interpret a direct, unequivocal "no" as pleasure? How is that not a straight-up confession? Let's guess how the rape apologists will do those mental acrobatics: "I mean, she didn't say 'Stop putting your penis inside me right now,

What's particularly interesting about all this is that what Anita Sarkeesian actually says is really pretty innocuous - it's not exactly radical assertions or even really controversial. Yet it still inspires this reaction - either the men having this response are managing to be incredibly threatened by even mild

As any science gal would tell you, this bullshit suffers from serious selection bias. If you're in the kind of relationship where you are cooking semi-elaborate meals for your SO, and own the resources to prepare and serve this kind of meal, you are already part of a narrow demographic that is likely about to get

You're a bit backwards, here. GG was created specifically *for* harassing women - at the time, it was specifically Zoe Quinn, although it quickly spread to 'everyone who GG sees as a "SJW" scumbag'. It was only later that others began to claim, "Nuuu, it's about game journalism! It's totally a righteous cause!" even

Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

This shit is getting ridiculous. You don't agree with the woman, fine. No one ever said she was a saint or perfect or her word was gosphel. But you're going to threaten to commit the biggest school shooting in history over this? REALLY!?

It is remarkable to me how quickly they come. They must have alerts set up on her name so they can show up and be childish. I'm so fucking sick of reading their bullshit. Video games. They're threatening to murder people over video games. Jesus Christ. Go volunteer, go see people with ACTUAL problems.

She may not be willing to take that risk. And she may not be willing to put the attendees at that kind of risk, even if it didn't bother her.

As a fellow Fat who exercises but doesn't go crazy trying to get thin (I wasted my 20's in that fruitless pursuit), I often find myself wondering if I'm just a "jealous fattie" when I roll my eyes at the constant workout updates of one particular FB friend of mine. She's maniacally obsessed with running and weight