
I believe I can speak for my fellow hyperemesis gravidarum sufferers when I tell Ms. Nicholas to go fuck herself.

She wasn't a helicopter parent. I always walked home from school and the only time she cared about grades was when the report card came out. Destroying some fuckwit school administrator for mentally abusing a 5 year old is not helicopter parenting.

You understand that you have no idea what helicopter parents are in the first place, right? Getting mad at the school because they massively fucked up is not part of that definition.

Pregnancy hormones are indeed bizarre. I've developed a strong aversion to sugar this pregnancy to which I almost completely credit my 10 lb first trimester weight loss and subsequent lack of weight gain. All I want to eat is hummus with pita chips (baby carrots are too sweet) and cheese with crackers or bread so it's

This is just too much. Do these schools employ people that merely walked past a child development book, let alone read one? The little girl is 5. I have a 5 year old. He recently accused his 2 year old sister of being a murderer because she hit him. Should I have a profiler come by and assess my toddler daughter (who

And medical opinion on what should or shouldn't be happening in pregnancy is even more subject to change. I have an old pregnancy book from the early '60s that says you should absolutely gain no more than 20 pounds. It advises that cigarettes are a great help in keeping your weight down, and if you don't smoke already

It's nuts. I had days where I had to force myself to eat — I had no morning sickness, but some days I just had no appetite. Other days, I'd literally eat two versions of each meal: two full lunches, two full dinners, etc.

Oh no, I meant it more as a response to the fact that it IS being recommended more often, and personally I think it's almost cruel. Women who are already obese are extremely unlikely to be able to meet a goal of losing weight while pregnant if they weren't able to lose the weight BEFORE being pregnant. It makes

TRUTH! I remember, at 5 mos, having a big spaghetti dinner at my mother in law's. My appetite had returned after months of nausea, and I ate two large servings.

I will say it does happen. I'm not exactly skinny (about two pounds away from being "overweight" on the BMI before I got pregnant), but I guess I look much smaller right now than what people expect a woman at 20 weeks with twins to look like, because I get a lot of "But you're so tiny!" comments from people with

I'm guessing you've never been pregnant, right?

I fit the parameters of "maybe you should consider losing weight during your pregnancy!" And will state for the record : that is an insane thing to chirpily tell a pregnant woman. I gained 30 lbs, and lost them all by the time I was discharged with newborn baby Ruth. And even that required a damn lot of work and a

EXACTLY. I found that entire excerpt extremely revealing about the author. She clearly spends an inordinate amount of time making worst-case assumptions about the thoughts and behaviors of other people: from assuming that all the women in the waiting room have gained too much weight/are unhealthy, to jumping to the

Right? That woman may have been admiring her damned shirt. But more than likely, absolutely none of this happened and our dear narrator just needed a yarn to wrap around her humblebrag.

Individual health concerns are fine, but I'd rather get that info from a medical professional, not from some random person in a waiting room.

Did she even get skinny shamed? The quote said she imagined what the lady in the waiting room was thinking, if she didn't actually say anything this might be a classic case of projection.

There are concerns about gaining too much or too little, on certain people. Are you equally interested in these two kinds of risk?

I find it really interesting that we can't seem to figure out nutrition in the average person (carbs are bad! Fat is bad! Fat is good! Certain carbs are okay, others will kill you! Animal protein will make you die! #notallaninalprotein!), but we know with absolute certainly (/sarcasm) that a responsible pregnant woman

Whether and to what extent weight gain is healthy during pregnancy is dependent on a patient's health prior to pregnancy. Under some circumstances, weight loss is indicated for the health and safety of patient and fetus. But that's for a patient's provider to determine, not mean girls in a fucking waiting room.

If my mother didn't have an abortion, I wouldn't exist.