

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.

What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.

Yeah. I was 16 at the time, but I was always the youngest in my grade, so I assume the other sisters were 17, but I doubt any of us were 18 yet. It's "understood" that this is what happens in sororities. You obviously need coke to have the energy for meetings and events on top of school and homework. It's a chance for

Well, she did gather evidence and give it to the police.

A GROWN WOMAN offered HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS cocaine??? And you were pressured to rub your breasts on car windows for men to oogle at HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS?

I don't care whether she leaked the tapes or not, she should have said something the second she found out. None of this keeping it private in the family bs, he could have been molesting kids this whole time and she knew he had done it two years ago and said nothing. If I found out my husband, or anyone for that

I joined a high school sorority (it's a thing down here in the South) and left within two weeks. The first event was a tea party, which sounds innocuous, except for the fact that a sister's mother showed up to provide everyone with cocaine. The second event was a bikini car wash, where you were required to wear a

I don't have kids, but I often wonder what I would do if my son was responsible for shit like this. I would die inside, I'm pretty sure, at least.

By the way, if you're scratching your head trying to recall why Phi Delta Theta sounds so familiar to you, it might be because the national chapter was recently in the news for being part of a coalition of eight fraternities working together to stop binge drinking, hazing and sexual assault.

So in this case, when the national chapter of Phi Delta Theta said, "No more of this behavior," they really meant ... no?


I never watched 7th Heaven. Apart from the super uncomfortable and ridiculous heavy religious overtones, the father just creeped me out so bad. That rictus grin, those watery cow eyes... *shudders* 13 year old me had good instincts.

Minor correction, because there is so much misinformation: ebola is believed to have started in west Africa due to handling of infected bush meat/wild animals. It was primarily spread through communities by person to person contact and through funereal practices.

On Gawker this morning they mentioned that he also wrote a book called Rag Doll. Here's the summary on Amazon:

Sanjay and Craig is a really good example, which funnily enough is written in part by Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi from Pete & Pete. That show is awkward because there's actually no reason for that character to be Indian.

He showed up in the comment section of a mediocre review of his book on the AV Club and held forth about how very, very wrong his critics are, with bonus name dropping. It's pretty great.…

As an attorney who deals with random people at least through third parties, I'm going to try to translate stupid. When she says she "didn't understand" the plea deal, she means she didn't like it and didn't understand WHY she had to do it. She was whining to her lawyer about why she shouldn't have to do or pay

I watched about 5 minutes of this last night and was struck by how frequently they said they were taking responsibility for their actions and then in the next breath blamed their lawyers for not giving the court the proper paperwork, hiding Joe & Teresa's assets in their bankruptcy filings, not properly explaining the

Maybe she will use her prison time to learn about the law...or how to read?

This new being, blessed by the gods of commerce and celebrity, will not be so mundane as to take corporeal form.