
It's also not trolling—trolling would have been subjecting her to the same kind of vicious harassment campaign she subjected her victims to. It's a reporter reporting on a story.

Being called out on your BS is not bullying. If she was entitled to be a troll, others were entitled to troll right back. And being mentally ill is not license to be a jackass.

I thought we punished white people by going to their schools and marrying into their families.

It's a nasty side-effect of life online. The crazies get to hide behind anonymity and aim torrents of cruelty, shaming, lies and scorn at vulnerable people — attacks they clearly know better than to voice in public. Apparently the McCann's have been subjected to it for years: trolls were even tracking their movements

I'm a feminist who argues fighting the patriarchy is about helping men (combating racism has improved in recent years, but there are some white feminists types who aren't on the same page)... are you arguing that point?

Shockingly, bullying a bully did not produce a good outcome. I don't get the thought process. The person sending the messages is clearly mentally unstable. Who thought publicly shaming someone like that would work? It's just lucky she didn't take anyone with her. Sky News should be ashamed. This woman needed

She replied: "I'm entitled to do that."

I probably could've phrased that a bit more specifically — what we're left with, w/r/t Movie Amy, is a basic crazy fucking bitch. Which is to say, Movie Amy is just nuts. We see that she's angry, but the truncated Cool Girl rant barely covers her rage or why it runs so deep. Book Amy is nuts, yes, but a psycho that

This one.

I'm a little surprised by all the praise for Rosamund Pike's performance. It's a key element of Book Amy's background that in the early days of her relationship with Nick she plays at the "Cool Girl" persona, and comes to resent him for falling in love with a false version of herself. The thing is - Movie Amy always

Not to be annoying. TOO LATE cew-smoke!! toooo laaaate.

Seriously. Look at her outfit (bedazzled denim on denim). Look at their house.

"...there are certain people who are trying to make the whole world eat what they want to eat and do what they want to do. I don't think it's any of their business what I put in my mouth."

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

An email targetting Asians sent at 4:44? the number 4 is associated with death in Chinese/Korean language. Coincidence? hmmm..

PREACH. So many of my friends seem to make their mothering decisions based entirely on a mix of guilt and fear and not based on what they want/think is best for the kid. I have not had that problem so far, which leads to awkward conversations like:

This is a timely article for me. Baby Pinwheel is arriving in December, and I am terrified. We want very, very much to become parents, but it is still scary. My marriage is the best thing in my life, every single day. Risking that, even when we are totally on the same page and believe we have child-proofed our

Those darn rascally little brothers, playing in mud and threatening ethnic mass murders. What are we going to do with you cute little dickens's?

I totally feel you on this. I am pregnant with my first after several false starts (like 4 miscarriages), and my husband and I discussed at length how we would balance our home life with our personal interests. It's not even like we came up with any solid plan or conclusions through all that discussion, but we both