
I can tell you there's a lot of trans women watching these developments with an avid interest. Between this and 3D printed organs (seriously, it's a thing) the future of medicine in general but also of trans folks' ability to transition is really looking amazing.

is it too early to start a drinking game for the "why not adopt" comments? I do have a mug of coffee handy....

There once was a girl named Christy Mack named Jane Doe

do you even verse?!1!?

Stikc ot sprots

The point of this is to push the narrative that he was jilted and is the victim. It's the same thing Chris Brown did by putting out rumors that Rihanna had given him an STI/cheated on him/talked back like the mouthy Island girl you know they all are. I wish you wouldn't give him more of a platform for his smear


I wonder if MRAs will be outraged about this false rape accusation.

Bravo is missing a programming opportunity: "Bethenney Getting Custody". Oh, the hijinks!

It's extraordinarily skilled work and does look surprisingly natural relative to the amount of stuff she had done, but I'm going to take issue with one part of this post—and I say this as someone who had cosmetic surgery, for no reason other than 100% vanity—she did not have her nose and chin CORRECTED. There was not

seriously. The poc in his books - all 2 of them - are caricatures. They can't even diversify the crowd scenes in his movies because the towns are lily white. He's also tossed in some "all feminists are hairy man haters" rhetoric for good measure.

"Cramblett and Zinkon are planning on moving to a different, more diverse area to try and protect their daughter from intolerance and racism."

I dislike Lena Dunham as much as the next person, but can we please have the courtesy to believe her story and sympathize?


It takes a village, I guess.

To all young black boys being mentored by Paula Deen: Call her on her shit! Loudly and often! Put her through hell! (PS: Don't take any cooking advice from her, either. She can't cook.)

And have you seen Steve Harvey's mentorship program? It's all about teaching sons of single moms "what it means to be a man." Values like hard work and courage and stuff. Nothing a kid might get from being raised by a single mom. And obviously nothing any girls might find of value. They can be lazy chickenshits their

"Well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around," Jackson alleges Deen told her. "Now, that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn't it? But we can't do that because