
Well... the third one about beer yes. Most doctors recommend beer (particularly Guiness) to help with the production of milk for breastfeeding.

So... My friend's mom swears that if you aren't producing milk that if you drink a Guiness (sp) then it will come.

Apparently, drinking and smoking while pregnant are healthy.

As long as they're not drinking vaccines, their babies will be fine.

Noted; but don't forget John Nimmo and Isabella Sorley were charged for their threats against Criado-Perez back in January (as the article states). I agree that it's frustrating, but if women in positions of power can use that to force the police and legal establishment to treat these things more seriously then that

Rape threats over the design of a bank note. I keep repeating this fact to myself; I see the Tweet. Yet my brain keeps sending back this news bite, stamped "WTF?" I think it's because I had no idea how low the threshold could be for a man to feel his status threatened. If something as impersonal as a bank note can

"but free speech" is the new "but I have black friends" and "Im sorry that you feel offended" and my personal favorite "sorrynotsorry"

Amal's wedding dress by Oscar de la Renta is much more lovely than my wedding dress by J. C. de la Penney.

Of course, Tracy Morgan's injuries would be considerably less HAD HE NOT BEEN HIT BY A WALMART TRUCK.

You obviously don't know what victim-blaming is. Victim-blaming is refusing to see someone as a (somewhat idealised version of a) victim. That can mean either knowing that person is a victim but still blaming them because you somewhat feel they provoked the situation (yeah it happened but you deserved it, I call it

I wasn't there (and neither were you). But giving both the guy in question and his long, and public history of misogynistic behavior, and how rare it is for women to make up rape stories. Yes, I think it's extremely unlikely she is lying. And that while her behavior was risky and stupid, again, that does not mean she

Please have some shut the fuck up. People who have been assaulted act in all kinds of ways during or afterwards (see tonic immobility, for example, which used to be called "she didn't put up a fight, so she wanted it") and denial (aka, trying to survive the anguish of assault by not acknowledging it). Humans act in

If someone says they were raped, you should assume they are telling the truth until it's proven otherwise. Same thing with any other crime. That doesn't mean we have to assume that this guy is guilty. It means we take it fucking seriously and investigate fully without simultaneously making victims feel like they

Right. Because every rape victim ever has always been immediately aware of the severity of what took place and never tries to excuse, rationalize or blame themselves for what happen. No rape victim has ever remained silent because they feared shame, reprisal or further abuse for making "a big deal" out of having been

Wow like women who get the shit beaten out of them and still go back to the abuser. Thank God we have you to tell us what REAL VICTIMS act like. BARF

We don't know if he forced her to go back to the hotel room. He could have made her feel so unsafe that she couldn't say no. Please stop victim blaming, you asshole.

I don't know the exact number but only a small amount of rapists are convicted of rape and a lot of the rape kits that are done are put away and never see the light of day. The lack of proper treatment for rape victims is systemic everywhere, not just colleges.

You say that as if the police force has a better track record of helping rape victims...

So, that lead photo of Columbia just got me, a Barnard alum, thinking. Columbia is famously and hilariously obsessed with their lawns, particularly the South Lawn pictured in the photo above. The red flag on the left indicates that you are NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES supposed to WALK ON THE LAWNS. DO NOT. JUST DO NOT