
The rumor in Scottsdale is the place is just a cover for illegal housing deals. They want it to fail, and use the tax write off to hide shite. Their collective criminal record would lead me to believe it's true. It's on a corner with tons of places to eat, and before Ramsey, I never saw it near busy. They had super

My corner bar at 11:30 on a Thursday night is pretty loud, too. No one would hear or be much bothered by a crying baby. Doesn't make it an appropriate place to bring one.

I don't care if she is the calmest baby around, it's still not appropriate. I love kids. I think kids can handle a lot. A loud, crowded professional event is not appropriate for a toddler, period. I wouldn't bring my toddler to a concert or a gallery opening, either. Some things are for adults, and that's okay.

For me, it's not about the child as much as it is about to other adults there. Haven't you ever been in some sort of adult place and some jackass decided that it was perfectly okay to bring their screaming infant who should have been in its bed because "they're so portable at this age!"? Or their toddler run among

Because it's annoying for everyone else there when babies cry and fuss? Just guessing.

well to be fair he probably worked out 6-8 hours a day. Had a 3500 dollar a day dietician/chef, a 3500 dollar a day personal trainer, and access to the newest growth hormones on the market.

With ya. Hard-bodied, squishy, whatev. I'd bang that like a screen door in a hurricane.

We have prioritized the female sexual experience

Nope. Wrong. Liberated women are generally enthusiastic about learning more about their bodies and what pleases them, which leads to energetic, experimental, ecstatic sex. Many men, however, don't think sex is anything they should have to work at or learn about, because apparently their Magical Dick Powers just

Sean Hannity just reported this baby was implicit in the #Benghazi cover up.

Chris Pratt was so thankful and happy when closing the show. And he looked like he had a really fun time, even if he was nervous. I didn't think he could be any more endearing.

Weekend Update showed more promise than it has in a while. I think once everyone settles in it'll be solid. And Pete Davidson's delivery was

So you're right on for wine and liquor, but my experience is that you can only buy cases of beer from the beer stores. You have to go to a bar to buy a six-pack. Yes, that definitely makes sense.

Picture: grinning clown

I went to school in central PA. My boyfriend, a Swede, came to visit me there for a month. He decided to walk to the grocery store (first mistake), dressed like a typical Swede — brightly colored skinny chinos with a equally brightly colored plaid buttondown.

Use of heroin is increasing all over the country because recently severe restrictions have been placed on obtaining prescription painkillers. People get addicted to painkillers because they are in a lot of pain and doctors over-prescribe them until a person is addicted. Now someone who is addicted can't get their

On the other hand, have you ever been to rural Pennsylvania?

It's even funnier that (as Jon Stewart pointed out on TDS) in the same damn show, he got all faux outraged at OBUMMER for the latte salute because it was 'disrespectful' to our men and women in uniform.

Ooh, I want to be a Pennsylvania billboard designer. How's this:

Durags/Du-rags/Do-rags are pretty much exclusively worn by black men to encourage a wave pattern in closely cropped hair.