
I'm not crying you're crying. get outta here.

Nah, these little shits who spend all day sucking corporate dicks and screwing over their coworkers invariably get promoted. It is really, really, really easy to make a bunch of money if you come from a wealthy family, have no soul, and don't give a shit about other people.

I think it's time we get rid of the myth that minimum wage jobs all require minimal skill. Every fast food drive thru worker in my city is bilingual. Are YOU bilingual, author of this Op Ed? Also, I would l-o-v-e to see some white collar exec work the a slammed Friday night at any Denny's, where my best friend

When I was a D.C. bike messenger, back in the 80s, I took a package from the Old Executive Office Building, which handles all the White House mail, to the then-new Heritage Foundation. It was addressed to Ed Meese, former Attorney General. I had helped the Dischord people put "Meese Is A Pig" posters all over town, so

1/ - Excellent article. Ironically full of all the research and citations that young Steven didn't do.
2/ - Fun fact. In Australia the minimum wage for a server is, ba-ba-boom, $16 an hour. The economy, last time I checked is still in place and Armageddon is yet to descend.
3/ - I predict a long life as a leading

May I add to your decree, Oh Supreme Dictator of Earth?

How much do you want to bet that Steven has never had to work hard at a job in his life and that he came from a privileged background?

Agreed. If he disrupted a holy ceremony or caused damage to the statute, I'm totally there for misdemeanor charges. But this? This is just harmless stupidity. If Jesus is all that offended I'm sure he'll have a sit down with him or send him to time out in a molten pit.

Ugh, can we stop wasting time and resources on arresting people for totally harmless shit?

Here's the thing - I don't see why it matters AT ALL. We all saw the tape of Rice dragging Palmer out of the elevator. What did people think happened? That she slipped? That she pulled out a bat and hit herself with it? That she was faking?

I know, what happened? Jessa, we were all rooting for you!

Only Mr. Siggins knows the truth about his alleged journalism credentials . We simply do not know the circumstances of Dustin Siggins's supposed credentials, education, or basic humanity.

"It would be disturbing to think that she may be using her abortions as a way to gain political favor with Democratic voters," Horne added.

"Horne noted that "it is extremely rare — if not non-existent — for a woman to have an abortion because the pregnancy posed a risk to her life."

angel haze's version of cleaning out my closet is haunting. I think it's great that she's so open about her horrendous history of sexual abuse. Also, glad she found love!

Very touching, though I must confess that my biggest take away from this story is that Alaia Baldwin appears to have grown up to become a lovely young woman despite her father's big box of crazy. This gives me hope for Kirk Cameron's children.

Shit I got TWO dogs and THREE kids. I think I have a couple bag-o-balls too.

Wait—-what? Are you commenting on the right article? Having a dog and baby and some balls suddenly makes you rich? Am I missing something here?


Allow me to translate,