
I promised my dog, my friend, that I wouldn't drag her off to some sterile vets office, in her pain and suffering, to have her put to sleep. Then be taken off to some crematory to be burned up like garbage and sent back in a container to me. When her time came, I had a vet come to the house. My girl wasn't afraid

My (now ex)boyfriend had pictures of all his ex-girlfriends. He'd trade pictures online, amateur shot for amateur shot; supposedly just of the ex that was actively trying to ruin his life, as she 'deserved it'. Call me crazy, but for some reason I didn't want him to take pictures of me. So he didn't...while I was

I hope he tried to move back in with his mom, and Mom said, "Sorry, sweetie, I don't want any hidden cameras in my house. Guess you're gonna have to do your own laundry."

Grown ass people living with their parents really isn't a red flag these days. Times are tough yo.

Bonus portrait for those in the business of printing images on punching bags.

The guy with this face wanted the world to see him fuck. Beside the absolutely horrendous criminal act he committed against the woman, ponder the fact that this guy, possessor of this face, presumed to think the world needed to see him fuck.

Ha, but I think it's important to hear voices like hers, no? To see that older women are having babies and their thoughts about their choices? I'm interested.

I've always liked Biden, from the eloquently-stated comments such as these (and these are on POINT) to the hands-in-the-air-wave-them-like-you-just-don't-care "MALARKEY!" moments. A friend of mine once called him a loose cannon, but I think it's the opposite. I think he's been around so long that he just doesn't give

Oh Joe, be still my heart! There are really just no words for how much I love that man!

I was going to post a silly gif, but tears started streaming down my face. THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOE. Sometimes the years of war against women just fucking wears you down, so when you hear this so plainly by someone so amazing, it just blows you away.

Crush level: Knope.

Someone's going to do it...

You know, I will admit there's a part of my brain that goes, "Well, it IS between them, and it's not wrong for two people to work things out even if they've gone horribly wrong. And we can't all sit in judgement of someone else's forgiveness because that always happens on a personal level."

But then I think...that's

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

What really gets me is that those people whining about $400k not being that much are the same people who freak out because they saw someone with an iphone use food stamps.

The bottom line: BROKE is not the same thing as POOR.

Yes, my $9.00 an hour salary would go really far in rural India, but if I were in rural India I wouldn't have a $9.00 an hour job. See how that works?

Yes, when you spend ALL the money you make, you will, as a result, not have any money. Solution: spend less money.

$12,500 for a single vacation? Bye.