
6'4", 250. Evasive enough to make a fast retreat. Wears school apparel.

Just tap it in.

I said this once, and I will say it again:

So when this all started, one thing we were made certain of is the NFL had seen the footage of the incident (that wasn't made public). Now said footage is public, and the NFL is pretending it hasn't seen it before.

From this news or from their offense yesterday?

"And joining us now is our newest member of the First Take family, we welcome Ray Rice to his permanent home at the debate desk"

That loud sound you hear isn't the sound of applause for this move , it's the sound of the Ravens' collective hamstrings snapping from all that backpedaling.

I won't believe that the Ravens have released Rice until I see a Peter King report that they have promoted him to head coach and given him a 10-year extension.

Such a cool story, though its a shame that a couple who has been together for 72 years, had visited all 50 states, 10 Canadian Provinces, and lived through some of the wildest times in American history were barely able to cross "Get married to the woman I love" off their bucket list.

What the actual fuck? Why would people raise money for him?!

Nah, not worth putting any money in the grubby hands of Lucifer's Homegirl and the minions. I'd rather go the Samantha Jones/Miranda Hobbes route, and send a gift basket full of Jack Daniels and pastel condoms.

State Name : Obesity Ranking : Poorest Ranking

Mississippi, 1 - 1

I used to work for a disability rights organization (this is relevant, I swear). The vast majority of people I knew there were sane lefties, with one exception - they can be really vocal and judgey about people who terminate pregnancies based on known abnormalities. On Facebook, there has already been some backlash

She is very brave and these stories are important. My best wishes to her that she will let the support she gets eclipse any of the stupid dumbasses that will try to villainize her and take her down. No one "likes" abortion. It's not a fun thing. But reproductive choices or management of difficult situations such

It's really brave of her to share her experience.

This is not personal, but it's as good a time as any to bring up how much I hate the "I can't get too upset about this" or "I can't muster that much rage over this" comments on stories about women's personal experiences. As though another woman's experience has to be measured and qualified by your specific

Tracie, I've loved working with you here and cannot wait to see what you have up your sleeve at your new job with [REDACTED COMPANY]. I'll never forget the time the entire Jezebel staff [REDACTED SUBSTANCE] on your roof and then took [REDACTED SUBSTANCE] while sharing our mutual weird sex fantasies about [REDACTED

My best friend is a 5'3" tiny woman, and she runs all the time. Once she was alone and a dude on his bike smacked her ass. So she shoved him off his bike and yelled, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WEARING A HELMET, ASSHOLE!!!" and then ran off.

I wasn't allowed to wear underwire bras growing up for this reason.