
I was referring in part to the fundraiser for Officer Darren Wilson that has raised more than $300K, ostensibly from people other than white women and the protests in favor of Wilson, populated by both men and women.

"New York's Brightest Support New York's Finest"

Because I was already awkward and incredibly unpopular, the fifteen year old version of me would totally have run with this, and worn some variation of the "shame suit" every day for the rest of the week.

"Why are you wearing that horrible outfit?"
"It's my shame suit. I'm still ashamed of my outfit. Do I look

Dress code violators at my school had to wear their PE clothes all day. Even if it was Friday and you had been sweating in them all week. It wasn't quite a shame suit, but it was pretty humiliating.

As odd as it may seem, FetLife is a pretty good resource for finding help groups for disowned LGBT teens. I can think of four different groups that would be willing to help a local teen find a safe place to stay until they were able to live on their own (not just until they were a legal adult, but until they find a

Wow, that is mind blowing.

This story reminds me of a former boss of mine who was given the option of leaving quietly when multiple girls/women came forward with claims. He ended up becoming the GM of a pub and doing the same shit again (except he did it to a friend of mine who ended up suing him and shutting down the business.)

Good idea is good:

''I think the public will understand that War Machine's a character,'' War Machine's lawyer Brandon Sua said outside court. ''He is controversial and people need to understand where to draw that line from his character as War Machine and a person as Jon Koppenhaver, because that's who he is.''

"Not Guilty"

War Machine is just a character, so OBVI attempted rape and murder of Christie was PERFORMANCE ART after all. GOSH, these people are such PLEBES and don't understand ART when they see it!

Another laughing resident... I don't care either way about her, but he is just beyond revolting, throwing his wife to the wolves to try and protect himself. What happened to the sanctity of that marriage? Asshole. And that's even before I start in on his policies, for which there isn't nearly enough time, since

While I agree that it feels unfair to let Williams get away with, I do think that the politician who takes a bribe is more reprehensible than the businessman who proffers the bribe. A businessman works for his business. Nobody expects a businessman to put the greater good ahead of his business. But a politician is supp

As a Virginian, it's sort of galling that Williams received immunity for his testimony. Yes, I know it's a valid trial tactic. I'm talking more about the implication that somehow the politician who takes a bribe is more reprehensible than the businessman who proffers the bribe. So what then? You have a cause that

"The McDonnells were first accused of wrongdoing when they fired a chef who they claimed had been stealing food from them. Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for Virginia), the chef had documents proving that Williams had paid for the McDonnells' daughter's wedding."

WARNING: This is an angry rant!

What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.

No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old

Oh, man, don't you love it when you can shoot the shit and joke with your coworkers? I used to have a group of coworkers who sat around with me all day making jokes about genitalia and sex and vibrators that play Christmas music. Those were the days! Now most of my coworkers are religious and I have to watch what I

Just a joke... a 'joke' isn't something you say because it's rebellious/weird/quirky to you. A joke is funny. A joke is something that makes you and other people laugh. A joke's entire purpose is to creature humor.

"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.