
I Use a Diva Cup and I call I call bullshit. In fact I call guy pretending to be a girl bullshit because thats not how vaginas or Diva cups work. ( I say TMI warning but it seems redundant after the story)

Your audience, right now. Bottom right: Me.

Gross explanation by medical student:

Headline, 1942, Casablanca: Vichy Captain shocked, shocked, at all the gambling going on in local establishment.

I haven't seen the photos, but that doesn't matter. If she ASSERTS that she is the copyright owner under the DMCA, then they must act accordingly or lose safe harbor. That's how the DMCA works. Period. An ISP(what the porn site qualifies as) is not a judge and cannot determine who does or does not own copyright for

He has a point. And I'm sure he would agree with me when I say that I've never met a white man that wasn't racist, therefore all white men are racist. Right?

Lawrence's lawyers or the porn site's lawyers are 100% ignorant on this issue then. Her lawyer MUST submit a DMCA claim. That's the law. It is very simple, they must include all required facilities of the DMCA in the DMCA notification to the porn site. From there it's essentially prescriptive.

I know i'm beating the dead horse when I say that turning a famous woman's body into a commodity is vile and horrible, but I am still never-endingly stunned that when there's an opportunity to help or view her in a human light they can't and resort to seeing the entire matter as a property/copyright dispute.

Back in June, Jezebel's sister site (brother site? Does Jalopnik have a gender?)

BALLS, I was hoping these were leaks from some upcoming album, which means there would BE an album to release soon. I really dug "You'll Never See Me Again." I miss Adele. NEED MOAR ADELE.


Your information/welcome packet will be in the mail shortly. Please remember your badge goes over your heart, to show how much you "heart" to hate men!

Can we stop calling it a leak and start calling it a disgusting violation of privacy?

I ... I think I'm one of those man-haters now.

im not even mad. this sounds sweet and lowkey and do you guys think shiloh would be my friend? i wanna hang out.

This makes me proud to be a Columbia alum, and that isn't something I've been able to say a lot during the past few months.

I don't think so at all. The physical burden of the mattress is strenuous, sure. But think of how walking in with a mattress will disrupt every class she goes to. How much room it takes up in an elevator. How it will slow/block traffic on a stairwell. Hell, how many people will be made uncomfortable by asking

She's already suffering. Now people will have to witness it in a more tangible way.

"I have to wonder if those parenting classes cover how to obtain childcare if you are living in poverty"

Will this be the thing that finally gets Cee Lo off of fucking mainstream TV? It boggles the mind, truly.