
Lol amazing job reading the article!

Two words explain everything: “child actor”

Okay but isn’t that like...the exact and literal opposite of “innocent until proven guilty?” Like, there are ways to be more respectful about this stuff that aren’t just “well, you gotta believe this person’s account and can’t express skepticism until you have definitive proof that points in that direction,” even if

LOL good thing Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren have no problematic baggage at all, yep, it’s definitely just the old male politicians who suck

Do you really love the current generation of “voting for the Iraq war and fucking up the financial crisis” Democrats that much?

LOL oh yeah I’m sure you were a Bernie supporter, definitely

Wait, so you think Russia intervened to help Bernie, too?? Lol

Classic “everyone who disagrees with me is a bot” argument! I especially love that you’ve written this as a response to a comment that is so mind-bendingly ill-informed (see all the people here pointing out the OP’s factual errors about the power of the AG and Kamala’s record on the death penalty) that it could have

lol luv 2 b mad online

LOL you forgot to work in the phrase “both sides”

Sure you can! You’re fucking it up right now. 

It’s true, most Democratic politicians don’t actually support anything resembling a genuine progressive platform!

Is this what you think happened to Bernie? Have you taken a look at the leaked Podesta emails?

Must be nice! 

Yeah I don’t think Axios does anything important better than Splinter, but since you seem to have missed the point of this article and to be generally afraid of any but the most anodyne opinions, perhaps it’s time you moved your readership permanently to Axios (or, heck, Breitbart, for all I care)!

Splinter readers these days seem split between a) the site’s rightful audience of DSA-type leftists and b) boomer libs who saved the site as their homepage after reading an anti-trump article and can’t figure out how to change it.

Do the DNC’s boots taste more like blood or more like manure?


Lmao totally sane and normal comment dude

Okay but we can agree that that kind of ability to fire on the spot is bad though right