
Ah yes, as opposed to the current system, where the longest-standing senators and congresspeople are brave radicals who heroically resist the influence of moneyed interests....

Lol you’re the kind of person who thinks BLM got coopted by Russian bots, aren’t you


This is a skill that I would like to learn

Actually, being a human statue whose covers DON’T end up on the floor is the thing that is weird. Are there actually more than a few human beings out there who don’t toss and turn and move around in their sleep??


Lolllll “private property is Moreno important than a human life” a super cool and sane worldview, it’s definitely other people that are sociopaths, yes indeedy

Or should I say +3000 😎

+1000 prerecorded audio tracks

This is factually inaccurate but spiritually correct

Great article! I look forward to everything you write. Just a couple typos: “every” for “everyone” at the beginning of the Mensch entry; and (presumably) a missing “she” in front of “jumped the shark” later in the same section.

Enslaving the native inhabitants of the islands he came across and using that enslavement for profit (forced mining) WAS integral to Columbus becoming famous. The whole reason he got to come back and explore further was the financial gain his looting provided the Spanish crown, as well as the opportunity for

Bless you

Help I don’t have enough stars to give this

Like, I’ve got no problem with clickbait. I want people to read your articles!!! It’s just, why be ashamed about that

I thought this article was great, but is there really anything wrong or incorrect about pointing out that the implication/connotation of the headline was at odds with the actual story?

Exactly. I mean, at least it got people to click and read the actual (sympathetic) story?

Thank you for saying what needed to be said.

I can’t agree enough.

Replying because ill-informed reactionary shit like this hurts the left by making us feel like reading about conspiracy theories is as legitimate a pursuit for preogressives as, you know, actual activism.