
Is he still healing? I’ve seen him singing and dancing in some almost milk commercial. I was even made to understand that “[he] feels good”.

This reads to me like a joke, but the syntax is really forced, so it looks like the editor is actually correcting Murphy.


This is disappointing, but as long as they don’t get rid of TRL, I’ll still be on team MTV.

It costs a lot of money to maintain (most of) Star Trek on their servers.

That’s a pretty good description of the season as a whole. It might not be the actual cause of the disarray, but it is what it feels like.

Among the many dropped details in the finale, Mrs. Flood had a definite sinister beat once she was left alone with Ruby’s grandmother, then abandoned it when Sutekh murdered Earth. While it seemed at first that she was somehow part of the whole plan, it’s clear that she was surprised to be dusted and then subsequently

Never heard of this fella, but apparently he’s not the customer service guy

The Elon, the.

I’m pretty sure that the Doctor’s vicarious reluctance for Ruby to approach her birth mother was projected guilt over his own lapsed relationship with Susan. Since all that got dredged up in not the nicest way, he was very suddenly having to deal with the idea of family both personally and via Ruby, whose adopted

I think the “pivot to fantasy” concept had a deleterious effect on the series. The show was already steeped in fantasy, so turning to goblins and faeries seemed like a good enough idea but it didn’t rise to meet my expectations. RTD was never my favorite writer, and his worst tendencies seemed exacerbated throughout.

Sure, and I wasn’t really dinging you for that. I was mostly just commenting on the judge’s remarks. As for pointing, it can hardly be disputed that the gun was pointing in the direction it was fired, but then, the gun is always pointing somewhere, even when holstered. The suggestion that Baldwin was pointing it

This whole thread:

That quote was stupid enough that I almost missed this gem following along in its wake: “Baldwin should have known that armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was “inexperienced and incompetent” and therefore should have double-checked her work.”

For the record, neither “He pulled the trigger” nor “pointing a gun that he didn’t need to point,” have actually been established. The Wikipedia article you’re referencing indicates that according to Baldwin, the gun went off as a result of him pulling the revolver from the holster. Whether that’s accurate or not

other actors on set were reportedly seen “dry firing” to make sure their guns were clear”

“He’s just like us!”

What, isn’t blackmail where you refuse to give money to someone for a service that doesn’t meet your needs?

lol eat shit

Speaking of X-Men ‘97, Blade would actually probably do much better in animated form. I don’t think the Snipes versions are necessarily definitive, but given the production issues here, I think Disney could avoid a whole lot of unfavorable comparisons by changing the medium. Besides, Ali’s voice is a large part of his