
I didn’t binge it in one sitting, but I did 2-3 episodes at a time over a week or so, and it definitely does play better that way. I’m a huge advocate of the pacing decisions in the show and this season, but I think it only works when you can actually watch multiple episodes at a time.

Disney better lock them down before Dan Harmon calls them

the marvel stuff is far and away their best work.”

I thought it was the Pussy Riot biopic

Daily October Surprises

You convinced me not to see it! But with my afternoon plans cancelled that day, I defaulted to my normal leisure activity of yelling at puppies, so it might be a wash

Can we get a wellness check on Mr. T?

It’s been a while since I used Steam, but I think the platform itself allows for demoing, in that you can “return” any game within a few hours of purchase for a full refund. Lots of games nowadays take near an hour just to get through intro stuff, so it’s not perfect, but if it’s still a feature it can be somewhat

Oh, ok. I didn’t deep dive into the details, obviously. I was just going off this article.

They want their money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back.

I believe her when she says that she didn’t know The Daily Wire would be distributors, though I would caveat that with the fact that anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to things would recognize that The Daily Wire teaming up with Angel Studios is like Milk teaming up with Cookies to sell more of each other.

How exactly are you reading the details of this story? The way I see it, an associate of Gutierrez-Reed showing that the bullets that were found on set allegedly match those in her own personal stock would implicate her even more. What would make you think she’d be exonerated by anything the prosecution was

In New Mexico, the requirements to pass the Bar are just that you must complete at least three Phoenix Wright games, and I think even doing that much might have yielded better results

Now playing

I haven’t seen Jury Duty, but it reminded me of this gem

The thing is, most people probably don’t even do a cursory check on their condoms before using them, and checking them in a more than cursory manner might actually lower their effectiveness. Condoms have a 98% quoted efficacy rate, and I’d wager less than 10% of users do anything more than check the expiration date,

What? This has been stated on every single article about this incident since it occurred. Actors aren’t supposed to check guns. Actors are supposed to hit their mark and remember their lines, and if they do anything else, they’re probably annoying someone else who already has that job.

As far as I understand, there’s no real way to charge a producer for murder, unless it’s some sort of Poirot style caper. The producers might have civil charges, but even if Baldwin cackled after hiring Gutierrez-Reed and said “now the stage is set” while twirling his moustache, he wouldn’t be a producer who murdered

I guess Part 2 might offer a more viable conclusion than they apparently gave Part 1, but it seems weird to me to go all in and then hold back. It’s almost like Peter Jackson filming the first two Lord of the Rings movies and then seeing how they were received before filming Return of the King. Even in this age of

So, like Netflix, they probably have a decent cache of actual DVDs, some of which may even still be playable. What’s going to happen to those? I suppose they must have always had a way to repurpose them, unless they just have a giant warehouse of Green Lanterns and Life of Pi. Did they sell them to libraries or

Not saying this movie is or isn’t good, but I often wonder just what people are looking for from trailers. It’s a common complaint that trailers give too much away, but this one supposedly misled you, and that’s also bad? I guess if it was one of those “Home Alone, but it’s a slasher flick” kind of trailers, it would