
I’m starting to suspect that this person claiming to be a rich and famous person who I’ve already handed over $100,000 to might not be completely on the up and up.

That’s not what The Bear is about.

Joel McHale has had a busy schedule of appearing over Jeremy Allen White’s shoulder throughout the day to scream mean things at him.


I don’t know if Leprechaun 5 really said anything that wasn’t already well covered by Leprechaun 4, but it more than made up for it with the emotional roller coaster of Leprechaun 6.

I was being dismissive of Magnus Wunderbatch’s name, because I cannot remember it any time it’s not printed in an article I have open. It ceases to exist as soon as I close this window.


Related to the point about egos, I do not think Adam is fucking with Carmy, and I also do not think he is a good guy. I think he’s pretty much just like Carmy, in that he wants to include Syd because he recognizes her value, and will ultimately fuck her over because of his own ego. It’s not even that he intends to do

I honestly don’t understand the problem people have with the pacing of this season. I can relate it to the macro problem with media, which is that too many people think Plot is King, a perspective that I think is objectively wrong at best, and indicative of people not having read enough actual stories at worst.


Amazon didn’t want the possibility of anything being used as a possible ersatz bathroom for its drivers, so it’s cancelled the big hole.

Yeah, I’m not going to write people off forever even for saying that, but I don’t have any interest whatsoever in forgiving any of the grifters even if they do one day try to turn over a new leaf, something not one of them has done so far as I can tell. It’s not like I’m struggling with a lack of Margo Walker in my

I can excuse the dismantling of democracy, but I draw the line at limiting my access to porno

I don’t know, Tennant probably isn’t any more famous now than when Netflix got him for Jessica Jones. And he’s almost certainly the most famous and expensive of the three. In fact, it appears he was already on the show, albeit in a part requiring only an afternoon in a recording booth rather than days on set.

I feel like the initial premise that the shared custody deal was somehow a fumble or mistake is obviously wrong, and just a really weird take. Maybe it was just following a bad conclusion back to an even worse premise, but I checked out immediately.

Man, you ain’t never met no Marlon Brando

The planes in Spain are ungainly in the rain.

I’m sure RR gets paid handsomely for his services, but since he’s probably worth more than just about any other current actor, he would surely be willing to forgo salary if it was intentionally a low budget film. He could easily get paid $1 and negotiate for higher points and still make plenty of money in any case.

But the records only go back to 1978, when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away.

Isn’t Avatar 3 in post production? I guess they could be doing reshoots, but I thought it was 90% finished back when The Way of Water came out.