
It’s also not communication software.

Your anti-virus license expires in 30 days. Would you like to renew it?

I get why this isn’t just called Soulm8, but I am going to exclusively refer to it as Soul Matey.

Well, you could ask her, and she would either confirm his story, which means he’s telling the truth, or she would deny it, which means he’s telling the truth. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

Yeah, I remember near the beginning of Obama’s administration, someone asked Trump what he thought of him, and he said that he wished him luck and hoped he did a good job. The context for that was that it was supposedly a wildly out of character thing for him to say. I remember it pretty clearly because I defended him

“Simply talking about things doesn’t make them real.”

I don’t even know why rich people drive at all. It’s so low class. You don’t see any 1%ers on bicycles, why should any of them suffer the indignity of having to touch a steering wheel, even with a gloved hand?

Yeah, so did I. Season 2 of Rings of Power completed filming over a year ago, hence the trailer.

I worked with Armie Hammer once, and he was very rarely late to work.

For real, if Trump had remained host of The Apprentice, and in 2016 had a moment of clarity that he had been a shitty rich asshole all his life, I’d be more than happy to let him walk his path to redemption, especially away from the public eye. The fact that he dove headfirst into the abyss and dragged the rest of the

By the metric that we’re literally talking about it here, and have been for years. Why are you digging your heels in at this, if not for it being a pervasive opinion for ages now? Superhero fatigue was a pervasive opinion for more than a decade, even when it wasn’t actually in evidence anywhere. And now it’s real,

I honestly think this is one reason they didn’t go into the what, how, and why of the free software for everybody on earth. Because it already hewed way too close to that movie’s plot, and I was immediately suspicious of what terrible thing the app would do.

Just imagine I said ‘individuals’ there then, instead of ‘audiences’. A lot of individuals, enough to make a significant portion of the audience, if not anywhere close to a majority. Enough that the opinion begins to percolate through both fans and media, even if the box office totals don’t conclusively prove that

I really enjoyed the second half of this episode, though the first half was far too whizbang even for RTD. The ramp up to the mystery was genuinely engaging, which isn’t always the case, even for episodes that I like. I did feel like there was perhaps a little too much emphasis on the “Surprise, remember this 50 year

That “wow factor” is almost always audiences becoming accustomed to something that was once novel. Pixar was once new and shiny, and now has lost its luster. And that’s the normal course for most things, I think. Even if they maintain quality, audiences lose interest because they lack the self-awareness to understand

Plus, I heard he was eaten by wolves.

What a weird coincidence: I want Elon to drop dead.


lol, time to start a new account again. Maybe next time you can manage a few weeks before everyone knows what a pantswetter you are.