
Trans rights are basically at 2004 U.S. elections level right now politically. It’s still an incredibly effect bugaboo for huge swaths of the population, and J/K Rowling can get away with saying “tr*nny” as much as she wants, just like Ann Coulter could call a presidential candidate a “f*ggot” on television back then

You guessed it...

Thank god for small miracles

I’m perfectly happy with the system we’ve currently got, I agree it would be much better for studios if they pulled the window back quite a lot, and 15 months sounds like an absolutely absurd amount of time. A simple solution would be to go back to the six months or whatever it used to be, but a better one would

While we’re at it, why don’t we ban private institutions that pick names to deliberately trick the public into thinking they’re legitimately associated with the government.


This may sound cool until you find out that Swift owns several vinyl mines and is manipulating the market to profit from both ends.

I went ahead and ctrl+F’ed this article looking for “Israel,” “Hamas,” or “Bari Weiss”, but the only person bringing them up was you. Sort of strange from the person who posted this when I accused you of just trying to rile people up:

The thing is, I’m not going to China anytime soon, and I’m living in the US, so there is a several orders of magnitude difference in what the US government can do to me with my information than what China can.

Justice for Amanda Fuller! I think it took at least two whole decades for television writers to stop creating shows with little sisters that appeared in a few episodes and then were immediately discarded.

Multiple roles aren’t impossible, but Warburton is already an established pillar of the MCU as Holographic Daddy, General Rick Stoner

It worked in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, but I thought the CGI was pretty bad in that.

Awesome, we’re well on our way to our national transit system being 30 years behind everyone else’s.

If it’s a communications app, I think the case is pretty solid, if not a slam dunk. It seems functionally the same as the government attempting to ban a television channel.

The cretins cloning and feeding

Reynolds doesn’t do much for me, but there is something to be said about his figure in that suit.


This isn’t directed at you specifically, but it’s weird that so many people complain about trailers giving away too much these days, and then a trailer like this comes out and some folks are like “Sure, but what’s the movie about?”

The ending, while maintaining the excellent sense of tension the rest of the film has, is so cloyingly generic. I spent the last ten minutes sincerely hoping that Garland would be smart enough to not do the incredibly obvious thing he was clearly ramping up to.