
He still hasn’t gotten his favorite hat back from Frank Rossitano, so he had to go more generic

Doctor Who was already all of those things ten years ago. If you have your own section on the Hot Topic website, you’ve made it.

Now playing

I’m not very anti Fallon, as I tend to just ignore him, but I did watch his recent interview with Conan and it’s amazing how bad he is at controlling himself as an interviewer, and how great Conan is at holding the tempo of the conversation even as interviewee. There’s a part in the middle where Conan is talking about

I hope these folks aren’t trying to imply that they deserve some sort of financial compensation for their creative output and any properties derived thereof, because we don’t take to kindly to that kind of talk around these parts. Profits from ordinary people’s creative works belongs to those brave souls willing to

I’m not really a car guy, does anyone know if that’s a particularly important part?

I wasn’t around during that, but I think the addition of live rounds is probably the key difference. A squib, improperly checked or not, is still a reasonable expectation on a movie set. A real bullet is not. Also, I believe a lot of modern safety regulations regarding guns were drawn up in the wake of that incident,

I don’t necessarily disagree that 18 months is harsh, but I’ve been basically incompetent at my job hundreds of times and never got anyone killed or even injured. Actually given Cogent’s information, I’d say what might have been an overly harsh sentence actually seems much more reasonable. I mean, say what you will

You can do it! You can do it (for ten minutes then get the fuck off the stage!)“

To be fair, Rob Schneider is not too far off in fame and cultural relevance from the AV Club.

Everyone knows Alberta is just a Texas exclave

That’s not what heroes do

The Spider-Verse movies are what really make a fourth Maguire movie superfluous. Peter B Parker might be different than his Spider-Man, but if we’re doing a “What If Spider-Man, but he’s over the hill?” sequel, then we pretty much get the gist of it through those movies.

There surely are some capricious killings, beginning of course with Ned. That had no real motivation (at least, the clear motive was to spare him), but it was entirely in line with Joffrey’s personality, who was an early adopter of the “The Cruelty is the Point” philosophy. Capricious killings are just the nature of

How often do you think people break on purpose for easy laughs, rather than breaking unintentionally because they’re having a good time?

Oh, boy do I feel like a Dick!

She sounds Clueless to me!

Haha, no worries.

Turtles are fish. Fish is meaningless catchall term anyway, so if it goes in water and I can eat it, it’s a fish. Makes pescetarianism a whole lot easier

I remember this exchange well, because I was the poor, naive commenter who posted that. I was just being snide though, and luckily Milligna stepped up to spike my setup with the Getty comment, as I hoped someone would.