
I’m not really familiar with the ranking system, IRL or in space, but I assumed there’s some middle rank officer roles that aren’t considered lower decks. I sort of assumed the barracks where they all lived was what the title was referring to, and now that they’re junior officers, they’re no longer technically lower

Loki in Infinity War is as prime as prime gets. Loki in Endgame and thereafter is a variant. I suppose it’s a matter of semantics in a way, if one prime version dies and another finds a way to take their place. But I probably wouldn’t posthumously demote the first one if I promoted a second one.

I’ll be sad to see Lower Decks go, but I think the show has gone so well that the characters are now simply too competent to remain Lower Deckers for any longer. Sort of how Community wore out its premise after two years and four years, and had to continually lampshade the fact that they’re all still there six years

Hey, we had a 21st century Scottish girl that one time. And a 19th century English girl who turned into an nth century English girl. There’s been plenty of variety.

You expect old stars to just throw out all their gold and platinum? In this economy?

With his money, I’m sure he can treat himself to more than just a few inches.

Babylon was probably my biggest disappointment of that year, but I still appreciate the effort. It might not have been especially novel subject matter, but it was still a change of pace from most other movies these days. A swing and a miss can still be interesting to watch, whereas hardly anything redeems a Jurassic

Is it Spanfeller’s fault you guys aren’t there, or Paste’s? Or is it just the general downward trajectory the site has been on for the past five years has landed the AV Club somewhere in the reputational vicinity of CinemaSins, and you can’t go for the same reason I can’t just walk into a White House Press Briefing?

As long as somewhere at the end of that chain, somebody sues the sun, I approve of this.

searches for “my eyes hurt,” and, “why do my eyes hurt” surged after the total solar eclipse ended on Monday.”

Ooh, snappy tweets to legitimate concerns! I’m great at these


Those are all good smart jokes. I especially like the Rashomon one (allegedly). I know there are a lot of them peppered throughout, but for whatever reason, none of them stick in my mind as well as “I’d’ve called ‘em Chazzwozzers”. Proust still feels a little too in the weeds of classic literature for the show but

I just want you to understand that I’ve argued with you in the past here, and I’ve seen you argue with other people many times. You might be the single most obstinate poster on Kinja, completely unwilling to admit at any time that you made a simple error (one very noticeable in your follow up post where you snip out

I grew up with the show, so there were definitely a bunch of jokes I missed the first few times I watched them, either by unfamiliarity with the original material or the occasional Sneed’s Feed and Seed. The first ten seasons are so dense with jokes that it makes sense most people would miss a lot of them. But I think

I did not say parody movie genre, I said parody movie boom.

I remember people talking about superhero fatigue when the first Avengers movie was in theaters, and that’s because to anyone living in 2012, it looked like it had been a decade of uninterrupted comic book movies. Little did they know, huh? I think it makes sense in retrospect to draw a line between pre-MCU and the

The parody movie boom had to be some sort of racket. It produced maybe three watchable movies, a couple dozen increasingly derivative movies, and then somehow continued on for a few more dozen, I believe, moving through “fake SNL type parodies of parodies” before somehow bursting through the bottom of the barrel into

I guess The Simpsons made some smart jokes on account of all those geek Harvard writers, but I don’t think it had a reputation for them. Futurama does, but that’s more STEM based. I think Archer is probably the only show that would or could make a Proust joke and expect it to land.

Proust was a hack. Maybe audiences would have responded better to a real literary classic, like Madame Bobarie.