
People do expect mega celebrities to take some sort of active stance, and get testy when they try to remain completely neutral. T-Swift got a decent amount of flak for years because she had no public opinions about anything. I think it’s cowardice to not stand by even a basic set of beliefs that might potentially

This might strike some readers as harsh, but I believe everyone involved in this thread is correct

Yeah, I tend to ignore them, but if you want to fake a reading comprehension problem, knock yourself out.

I’m sorry what I meant to say is that you missed the joke, and then you missed the joke.

I think it has to be the latter. I was confused too, because I thought the whole point of subscribing was so that Twitter could give money to the loudest and most obnoxious users, but only if they were already paying for their checkmark. What’s the difference between subscribing to someone and following them if they

Tom never had to resort such devious tactics.

Good show, folks. Maybe an article on How to do Malicious Compliance next. It’s not like he can read them anyway.

It’s like an erection in my brain.

Apparently so, even if there are no further Matrix sequels to rub salt in the wound.

I had one split second of sublime joy at the thought of a feature film about Janet from The Good Place, and then I was back in the Bad Place.

Are you sure? I’m pretty sure it’s the same actor.

Anything you can do, I can do better (but awful)

Well having The Mandarin show up in Iron Man 3 didn’t stop The Mandarin from showing up in Shang-Chi. Maybe it unnecessarily shuffles the characters’ backstories, but I don’t see how it eliminates a character outright.

I’m not sure. I actually went and found the reddit thread where they were discussing these episodes, and someone said the memory loss thing was a myth, but I think what happened is that he probably said that he had head injuries and doesn’t remember a lot from back then and either a speculative media turned that into

“That’s right, dead serious about promoting his new TV show!”

Scientists think they can just roll up and solve a millennia old philosophical problem? They better check their hypotenuses.

Is it more of a scandal if a dead boy detective is found in bed with a dead girl detective or a live boy detective?

The Matrix Regrets

So now she’s quitting quitting.