
Four seasons and a musical.

Yes, I have considered all those possibilities. The map is still stupid and lazy. I really hope this conversation has been helpful to you. It’s been a real breath of fresh air for me.

The landowners are not competitors. They are neighbors. They might have some competing interests, but they aren’t making land to sell. They have a common interest.

It feels patronizing to have to explain this to you, but as it has been pointed out by countless casual observers, Texas isn’t a western state. Linking the two into a contiguous entity makes the name “Western Forces” seem reasonable. It conveys to the audience that the person making this film knows what an America is.

I didn’t realize The Pope’s Exorcist was actually profitable, but are there even that many horror franchises that don’t immediately have drastically diminishing returns? Maybe a few of the more novel ones can sustain a few sequels. It just seems like Catholic horror is incredibly oversaturated these days. Maybe it’s

I think a lot of those examples are more easements than outright eminent domain, but it’s still a valid point. Still, I don’t know if anyone could make a compelling argument for either in the case of building a city. The list of “planned cities” in America is surprisingly robust, but I don’t know that any of them used

From what I understand Garland has specifically said that there’s not an explanation, because his film isn’t actually about divisions in America. Still, there might be some sort of excuse for it. The trailer literally has people dutifully ignoring the war, so it could just be governors making decisions on whether to

Explaining that it’s like that to be accessible to idiots certainly makes it the opposite of humdrum.

I can’t tell what you’re disagreeing with or even if you are disagreeing. Yes, there are regulations on utilities, almost certainly as a result of something done long ago when there were no regulations on utilities. There are also laws against price fixing in retail stores. I’m not confused about illegality or the

Everyone knows Alta Vista has the best weed

I really don’t even think it’s about being high, I think he has an actual oral fixation.

The most humdrum thing about this whole operation is that even if Texas did find itself aligned with California, there’s simply no way that any alliance would find itself drawn directly over old state lines. As plenty have noted, there’s certainly a lot of overlap in interests and politics for 90% of each state’s

By most conventional divisions, Texas is mainly a southern state and sometimes a plains/central state. It probably shares more culturally with the southwest than the south but it’s still definitely harder to describe it as west than south. For most people, I’d assume “The South” is still basically shorthand for the

I wouldn’t rule out the chance that he simply lost interest in something that he couldn’t change just by announcing it.

The world is stupid enough these days that I wonder if they won’t try to make sort of eminent domain argument despite being a private entity.

There’s no guarantees, but Paste has already updated the about page along with their comment policy, and it doesn’t give much indication that they intend to paywall comments on this site. Maybe with some luck, they’ll hope to use free commenting here to drive traffic toward their other sites and expect some people

Well, I don’t immediately recognize them as Daphne and Velma’s boobs, either.

I mean, even if investing 90 million only prevented a possible loss of 200 million, it’s probably justifiable on its own since there are other material losses that occur with a downed bridge. But there’s also the fact that this incident fortunately cost very few lives, when it could have easily cost hundreds or

I don’t even see how price fixing land might work. If gas companies collude to fix prices on their product, then that affects everyone who buys gas. But an association of landowners who resent some outside entity trying to buy up all their property deciding to not let them do it, or at the very least bleed them

I always just copy image and paste in the text window instead of using the editor button (which hasn’t worked for me for a while anyway).