
Muniz also pretty famously doesn’t remember most of his time on the show, so it could be that he remembers walking off, but has no idea when. I’ve watched the series a few times through, and I’m trying to think of when this might have happened, but while later seasons expanded focus to other characters, I can’t really

There are, of course, many exceptions, but it’s inarguable that eating causes cancer.

Why would you make an inarguable point? I don’t pad my arguments with inarguable non-sequiturs like “eating causes cancer”. Can’t you see how your shitty attempt to rile people up with your dumb opinions on Israel for the fiftieth time got entirely sidetracked because you couldn’t maintain focus?

It’s not that I don’t believe him, since he seems pretty stupid, but don’t normal companies have legal departments that are supposed to tell you when you’re doing something illegal? I know there are a million examples of them failing to do so these days, but also I wouldn’t expect anyone in Boeing to try and pull a “I

Famous Artist Derides Humble Journalists, Says They Always Ignore Nuance

Well I also put a “Coup Me” sign on his back, but that was just in good fun.

Not that I think anyone on staff would be up to talking about it anyway, but there is absolutely a “Don’t mention the sale” mandate from above.

Obviously Galactus

in fact Islam its entire thing is denying Jesus died on a cross, please stop gaslighting America”

I get what she’s saying and don’t entirely disagree, but I also think that problem is probably somewhat role specific. I don’t think Cate Blanchett had a bad time, for instance. Chris Eccleston might have though. I feel like she’s in a Daniel Radcliffe situation, where she made all that money at the beginning of her

What’s with all the Garth Brooks hate in this thread. You folks clearly don’t have friends in low places.

If they cast Chris Evans in Allen’s role, I’m in.

Nice try, Eric Bauza is clearly just an anagram of Ezra Miller

Wow, two nominations for the new Doctor Who episodes? Not saying I didn’t enjoy them, but they’re no competition for the other entrants.

I’ll wait for Freaky Friday After Next

You’ll pine for the days of Godzilla x Kong when the sequel .kong//Godzilla comes out.

Oh, this just helped clarify for me what “50 game guides per week” meant, because having grown up in the Gamefaqs era, I was confused as to how they were supposed to even find 50 games per week to write guides for, let alone the time needed to write that many entire walk throughs. I probably should have put it

Something like this ought to do.

Did Jonah at least predict he would be swallowed by a whale?