
Then it would just hit the moon.

Yeah, reading the comments on old TV reviews is not only entertaining, but also provides a lot of extra context and info. But I guess none of those things make money.

According to the Daily Beast article, Splinter was in fact included in the Jezebel sale.

I don’t know enough about the way boardrooms work to definitively say that people shouldn’t be allowed to sit on more than one at once, but it certainly seems like there should be some sort of rule against someone being able to guide one company to invest millions into their other company. I’m sure it’s all part of a

Non diversity hires famously have never caused huge catastrophic accidents or failures.

Everyone knows the best directors use fisheye lenses

While reading that article, I was chuckling to myself about how lucky Barsanti would be to have survived three major employee layoff events. But I guess Paste already has a writer who posts often and indiscriminately, and doesn’t need another one.

I wonder if whoever is in second place on the list of producers who have had the best return on investment over their lifetime can even see Feige ahead of them.

So are these constant How To guides coming out on Gizmodo similar to the Kotaku editorial edict to create 50 game guides a week?

I just saw a trailer today for a movie about a cat. Will the Wokes never stop? Everyone knows that dogs are the most popular pet, and so nobody could possibly be interested in a movie starring a cat. People go to movies to be entertained, not to be fed some “message” about “diversity”.

But none of the boys in The Marvels get to wear capes! It’s an outrage!

He’s the offspring of a Final Fantasy character and a Pokemon.

This story won’t be around for much longer, because it’s completely made up. But then we’ll continue to tell the same story like we always do and also pretend that people are trying to silence us.”

The cause doesn’t allay the harm, but I think it’s relevant in how we react to people causing us harm. Someone accidentally misgendering someone can be forgiven, while deliberately doing so would call for a stronger response. Frankly, I’ve long since become accustomed to most people being stupid, but it’s harder for me

Not to diminish the dangers of a few mega corps owning everything, but that wasn’t the case during the dotcom boom. The Dodo isn’t mythological just because it doesn’t exist anymore.

Am I allowed to fart in my electric car as long as I keep the windows up?

How do they know it’s “after you”? If someone cuts me off, I also gesture symbolically.

I also wouldn’t refer to GoT fans as being a mature and reasonable bunch in general, but they probably are significantly more so than the audience for a preteen movie.

I think he’s talking about reshoots, but I don’t know if actors don’t get paid for those.