
Yeah, I’ve had the same thought. It used to be that even if most people were assholes —probably true, if unprovable—  most went out of their way to pretend otherwise most of the time, so in any ten given daily interactions, it was unlikely you’d have more than one bad one. But now nobody bothers to pretend otherwise,

I thought this was fine, funny at parts, a little too strident at others. I didn’t walk in expecting a Sorry to Bother You type satire, and I think expecting it to be that probably hurts viewers’ perception of it. It honestly never seemed like it was going to fully commit to that angle in the trailer, as the whole

Being bad at semantics as well really isn’t helping your argument. History isn’t just lists of kings.

People who are bad at history don’t get to make stuff up and claim to have a different opinion. At least they didn’t use to.

It’s not that he doesn’t hate women, and films starring them, it’s just that he thinks he can get more mileage out of an anti-trans stance in this particular thread, even though the biggest movie last year had a trans-woman in it, and he couldn’t name three “movies for abnormal people” that were supposedly so

No, there was one loud and shitty side proclaiming it as the worst movie ever before it came out, and then another group of people who were adamantly opposed to the idea of judging a movie that hadn’t been released yet based solely on the genderswap aspect. This other group wasn’t even really an opposing side, since

“Just about” is saving you from a “what about Wong and Madisynn” dogpile here.

What confuses me is that I would have thought we were well past laser pointers as a novelty item. I was messing around with them over two decades ago, and they were already cheap junk then. The only reason I have one now is for my cat. I guess it only has to be popular enough within a community with no regard for the

His suit is made of Vibranium now, so without the heart shaped herb, it’s not unreasonable to rank him somewhere between Iron Man and Black Panther.

I skipped the first Joker because I’m pretty sick of him at this point, but apparently other people aren’t. I’m not a big fan of racing cars either (or family) but plenty of people still seem to watching Fast and Furious movies. I really don’t see this beating its predecessor, but I also don’t think it’s likely to

Man, The Simpsons is really sockin’ it to that melon again. He must work there or something.

Put it in H!

Do sex offenders need representation in the industry? I guess if there was one place they did, it would be Hollywood, but I wonder if it’s just one lonely intern sitting in an unlit office fielding calls about potential appearances by Spacey, Cosby, et al.

Especially if they grow up around them. Ask any full-fledged adult who had bad parents if they react the same way around them as they do around other adults. Hell, I had relatively good relationship with my dad, and yet I was hesitant to contradict him even if I knew he was wrong about something well into my twenties.

Maybe we can get a Life of Duncan movie if Messiah falls through

Jezebel is alive and separated from the GMO cancer, though I’m not sure it’s viable on its own in the long term.

Harrison Bergeron must use dull gray text bubbles.

This is one of my favorite punches to the face, though it doesn’t meet the qualifications for this list.

Davidson is at his funniest when appearing as a character in John Mulaney’s standup/anecdotes. I suppose that makes him somewhat worthwhile, indirectly. He could just hang out with people who are funnier than him and have them tell jokes about him as a job.

I am astonished that the system recommending I put ammonia in my cupcakes is not able to perfectly discriminate between good and bad mushrooms.