
Sort of makes it look like life has suddenly turned into a Legend of Zelda game.

I just don’t know how some people with actual talent and ability can suffer from imposter syndrome, while Musk can repeatedly lose online pissing contests to the world’s foremost pencil neck Mark Zuckerberg and maintain his grossly overblown sense of self-worth.

but he doesn’t want to pitch it to Warner Bros. until it’s the right time.”

This License to Kill doesn’t even have a first name, it just says “Bond”

We’ll still have Benoit Blanc, at least.

And don’t forget Rowan Atkinson in that James Bond red nose day short

How many times are they going to remake Popeye before I finally get my Mary Worth movie?

Not necessarily true for every story involving Musk and anyone else, but a pretty safe bet most of the time.

I definitely didn’t expect to see Love Lies Bleeding this early in my market, and mistook it for some other type of movie when looking to see what was playing this week. I probably would have missed it if people hadn’t been talking about it here.

Maybe not, but Americans did watch Mad Max, so he could have compromised and set it in Australia.

If he wanted to set his movie in a place that isn’t particularly special, he could have set it in Gaza. Of course, there are lots of real and unavoidable political implications of setting a story there. I wonder if recognizing there are very real and unavoidable political implications in setting the movie in America

The Bear should really have been a tight 90 minute feature. It takes two whole seasons just to open the restaurant! You could cut 98% of it and just do a flashback or two.

Pierce Brosnan, having locked himself inside Kevin Costner’s trailer: “I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right.”

The way so many people develop real and severe animus for characters they watch on screens is one of the more unnerving aspects of humanity these days. I know the story of people freaking out the first time they saw a film of a train moving toward the audience is an urban legend, but I honestly feel like a

It’s such an incredibly common problem for conservatives, not being able to shut the fuck up. I have a lot of opinions that many people would find unpalatable. I’m not afraid to share those opinions, but neither do I ever rock up to my coworkers and just start slagging off the police.

Just a reminder that it’s been nearly a year since three new Star Wars movies were announced, and none of them have even begun production, meaning we’re now at over four years with no real definitive action taken on new Star Wars movies. We’ll be lucky if we get even one new movie before the end of the decade. Or

I don’t, uh, know how I feel about robots using filler words to appear more human.

One of my sons tells only lies, so he’s grounded and in his room. You can just ask my other son, who tells only truths.

Truly an inspired bit. Though he’s still the third best Jack Donaghy on the show.

I thought the same thing. Maybe another season could be technically on the table somehow, but the whole hullabaloo over it being removed from P+ seems to indicate that it had ended, at least for a while.