
Origin was surprisingly good, better than the more publicised Ferrari, though not nearly as good as Anatomy of a Fall. Though for all the Oscar buzz that last one had, it also won the Palme d’Or, which also helps spread word of mouth considerably. I don’t think Neon does a lot of actual promotion for any of their

I, for one, welcome our new amphibian overlords.

It does make me wonder if the show would have worked nearly as well with Alt-Pierce Fred Willard.

I think it was during the Community table read on YouTube that McHale was talking about the sweaters they had him wear during Season 6 started getting a little ridiculous, and it’s true. On later rewatches, Jeff looks way more ripped as the series goes on.

To think, they could have just offered him Free Airfare for Life*.

Yeah, I don’t think there have necessarily been any that deserved to win, though I’m not as critical of their effects as most people seem to be. It’s just that I might have expected at least one to slouch their way to a win in an off year. Like The Jungle Book beat out Doctor Strange, which may have been deserved (I

Regarding your second paragraph, you certainly don’t see anyone leveling that charge against The Zone of Interest (My personal pick for Best Pic of the year), and that’s probably because nobody who thinks that way probably bothered to watch The Zone of Interest.

Trump seems really upset that Lily Gladstone didn’t win. Or maybe just that Barbie was almost entirely ignored.

Even if they did see either or both, I think Miyazaki is just that big of a name, and comic book movies are still comic book movies to many people. I really enjoyed The Boy and The Heron, and think it’s beautiful. But it looks and feels like a Miyazaki movie, of which there over a dozen, and isn’t his best. The only

Probably more accurate to say that it beat out Napoleon or The Creator. The MCU has somewhat surprisingly never won a visual effects award. In fact, that award might have one of the strongest hit rates of all the mainstream awards, or at least the fewest snubs. Midbrow CGI IPs often get nominations, but they don’t

It’d be hilarious if this was his thought process, but I imagine it’s much more mundane. Anyone or anything not completely in his sway is an enemy, and he’ll happily change his mind day to day based on whatever the most recent action by said entity is.

No, I think it’s safe to say that he’s right about Facebook, but only incidentally. He really meant that the company is his enemy, since he doesn’t care about anyone else. Facebook is one of the things that allowed Trump to get elected in the first place, after all.

Thanks, this had me wondering what lightly cooked bacon meant. I like it crispy all the way down to floppy, but I tend to cook bacon these days mostly to use the grease in other things anyway, so I always get at least some charring.

*2026 in Japan, 2033 in the U.S.

But the stuff that’s inside of us is also mostly empty. It’s the same emptiness.”

I wish the aliens would just come wipe out humanity and get it over with. It’s the waiting I can’t stand.

Now playing

Adults should not be constrained by what’s considered mature or not, but people who have theme weddings are going to the Bad Place.

Are we unable or unwilling to toss objects away from the Earth? Maybe in the general direction of the Sun and hope for the best, but at the very least just out, instead of in? I know it would be a potential problem for future humans to just dump all our space trash on the Moon, but those guys already have it so easy

Well, at least we all know what we have to do now.