
Something about that struck me as wrong while I was writing it, but back in the day Carlson and Hannity were still really similar types of assholes, so much so that I could only tell them apart by their neckwear. But yeah, I didn’t remember Begala at all.

God, even just watching this video now, where he spends the entire show harping on what a shitheel Tucker Carlson is is just another reminder of the past. I watched Stewart dismantle the very nature of the work Conservative media was doing on Crossfire two decades ago, and while I appreciated it at the time, even then

At the risk of jumping in early on another thread doomed to get 300 comments from dozens of people arguing at each other, Jon Stewart was never and certainly is not in this year 2024— a kingmaker. I watched TDS religiously through the first decade or so of his tenure, and Bush was still elected and subsequently reelec

spider beats man, man beats heron, heron beats spider

Bafta? I ‘ardly kno ‘a.

That’s true, but I don’t think anyone really expects the immediate situation to not be resolved in the first three minutes, while the larger problems of “What should he do about this universe?” and “How does he get home?” take a bit more screentime. The trap that he’s in is just icing on the cake of the fact that

He’s a real life Krusty the Clown

Good, and might I add, fuck this guy.

Kimmel didn’t purchase those cameos, though. They were bequeathed to him by his grandfather, the 8th Earl of Hardwicke.

I’ve seen that version. It is raunchy.

I caught this last week and had a blast. It’s a lot funnier than I was expecting, and I had decently high expectations based on the trailer. Sprouse nails the physical comedy with virtually no dialogue, and I don’t think that’s so easy to do. I also really appreciated the sister being a full-throated advocate for Lisa

I wonder if even that would work, though. “Guarantee not guaranteed” seems like a really sketchy fine print clause.

They might have auditioned some other people, but I think it was reported on here awhile back that the production practically begged Ben-Adir to take the part for one reason or another. I also don’t think it’s a huge deal, but I can understand why Jamaicans would feel the story is heavily intertwined with their

This was my takeaway.

This Landman spinoff is much less erotic than its progenitor, Seaman.

Good news for some people, I guess, but I’ll stick to my steelbook 4k version with director’s commentary, thanks.

Just because he barely has an eight pack doesn’t mean he’s not as good as his brothers!

Maybe they’ll meet a new mutant in episode 3 who’ll be like “Man, you guys look tense, how about I use my powers to make you relax” and then everything shifts into Bob’s Burgers style

Of course he’s not playing Saddam. The real Saddam has a scar on his head. Thanks to some excellent plastic surgeons, Barry Keoghan is no scar.

Even half of the extremely online set has almost no idea what actually happened, with large parts believing in complete fabrications that circulated the day of the incident, and others just making up half the details in their own heads.