
It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, or something.

I watched it on the Tik Tok.

All Cybertrucks have been updated with a Mood coat feature. If your Cybertruck turns orange, that means your mood is “delighted to own a Cybertruck.” If it turns brown, that means “eager to purchase new Tesla exclusive PowerCoat.”

How cute, Gen Z has their very own Tucker Max.

I get tears in my eyes watching Lilo and Stitch, so I don’t know why so many people seem to doubt the possibility of someone doing so during an apology, especially if they were sincere. It’s like everyone is mistaking this for “full on bawling” instead of a slight glisten.

I’ve only discovered this info recently while looking into that picture, but I always thought the joke was that there was a constant throughline in the Arrowverse that The Flash was definitely and definitively doomed no matter what, and then lol, actually Oliver died to save Barry. I’m not necessarily saying your

I stopped watching The Daily Show well before Stewart left, but it’s striking how familiar it all feels on Day 1(b). It really was a perfect vehicle for him, and I guess still is.

Did you eat shit after having one?

Don’t companies know that people don’t want to watch advertisements during their programming?

8 Reasons Why This Article Is Presented In Slideshow Format

There’s only one Wesley Snipes in this world.

Definitely a “Who?!” moment for me. For someone who had a decent sized role in the original trilogy, I can’t imagine a more background actor of the whole lot of them. If they were reaching back that far anyway, they ought to have gotten Wesley Snipes.

I thought: Doctor Doom... No, maybe Taskmaster... Actually, probably nobody, but who knows with the direction this trailer is headed in.

I don’t have an answer to your question, but this did remind me that we used to have restaurants where a major draw was being able to just throw food waste on the floor and nobody would even bother to sweep it up. Also the giant anaphylactic incubation room aspect, but really just the whole idea. History is wild in

It doesn’t matter how many different songs you cover these with, I only ever sing them to “Spanish Flea”

Could be the best dance number ever

He sounds pompous, but he strikes upon an important idea about stories that’s mostly lost these days with people’s obsession with plot and canon: Stories don’t have to be perfectly sensible and logically consistent to be good. Sometimes a story is just about a character, sometimes it’s about a message, sometimes it’s

The Superbowl being on is a great reason to go see a movie in a theater, as it assures a Wednesday matinee crowd on a weekend schedule.

Perfect opportunity for a competitor to buy ad space right after them