
*Elon walks out of the Total Perspective Vortex entirely unharmed*

Sounds like it’ll be easier for someone to forget it’s there and accidentally damage it.

Whenever the TV isn’t on, all the other characters in the house should be asking, “Why isn’t the TV on?”

Yeah, there’s probably not too much functional difference between a 20 foot drop and a 16,000 foot drop for a phone, and while I probably wouldn’t throw mine off my roof onto the bushes below for kicks, I would probably expect it to be all right if I accidentally dropped it while taking down Christmas lights or

I’m not here to excuse *The Media* of all entities for their various and pernicious sins, but it seems weird to heap altogether too much blame on them when this is clearly a problem that is 99% Swifties’ aggregate delusions. Papers and blogs are just reporting this stuff, they’re not the ones ginning it up.

Yeah, this is a pretty naked cash grab. At $70 a year, subscribing to Office isn’t exactly expensive, but it’s $70 that I would be paying to use only one program, and that pretty sparingly. I mostly use Notepad now if I need something to make notes or copy and paste something, and if I absolutely need a doc or docx

I’ve never seen this show, but Jake Johnson and Ophelia Lovibond both sound like completely made up names in the most disparate possible way

I think they were probably blasted to just about every user. I signed up with their Black Friday deal for the first time, so they didn’t have any watch history on me, and it was the first thing I saw on the splash page (and the first thing I watched, natch).

Oh please, the Feds have been accusing Musk of dozens of misdeeds, and just because they’ve been right every single time doesn’t mean that they’re right about this one.

What sort of madman would pronounce EGOT and EGGGOT the same way?

I would love 15 or even 20 episodes of SNW, but it’s hard to argue with the status quo on that one. Almost every episode of the first two seasons is great. Can you say that about any 20+ episode season of Star Trek? I do want more time to hang out with the characters, and more secondary character focused episodes, but

Do you have a link to any of these studies? A cursory search popped up nothing on my end. My concern is not that you’re making it up, but that the numbers are off because Netflix produces so much chaff that it may look like it’s cancelling it less as a percentage even if it’s doing far more in real numbers. It might

Every time you post this ghoul’s picture on an article it’s like an Edvard Munch painting come to life

Seems backwards to have a corporate copyright last longer than a personal one. There’s a reasonable expectation for an artist to want to maintain income for their works for at least the majority of their lifetime, but media companies have enough revenue streams that they shouldn’t need to rely on fifty-year-old works.

This season is a lot better than the first one, for what it’s worth. The animation isn’t in the same league as the Spiderverse movies, but that’s a big ask in my opinion, especially with what we know of the behind the scenes treatment of the animators.

People have got to have their Pedro Pascal fix, one way or another.

I think most people would tend to agree about genre, but the problem still crops up with award categories. To argue with myself here, drawing a line arbitrarily between comedy and drama is the only real way that comedy has any significant chance at recognition at all. People tend to think that drama is prima facie

The comedy/drama distinction just feels like a cheat to give twice as many awards out. In principle, I agree that it should be done away with, but is anyone looking to give out half of the normal amount of awards in a time when TV is still pretty great?