
It’s just weird because of who he’s talking to. I can’t remember if Sylvie said she had a brother (or even another brother, RIP all variants of Balder, I guess) but I still feel like she probably already knows what he’s talking about from all her years flitting through the timelines.

Having a character named Ouroboros say “It’s like a snake eating its own tail!” as though that’s at all clever or cute. It’s not! That’s literally what the character’s name means!)

lol, did you forget to switch accounts before posting this?

I’m the same age, and didn’t really get into Star Wars until the prequels (My dad tried to get me to watch Empire when I was like 9 and I was having none of it), but even though I liked them as they came out, I’d also watched the OT by then, and could tell they were generally better movies. My only real complaint at

I see this accusation a lot, and every time I go to check to see what The Root has written, it’s never got the bias people accuse it of. If anything, the articles tend to go out of their way to avoid any sort of bias, instead of having the distinct anti-Majors bias that the other GMO sites weighing in on the subject

I had no real notes on Fraser’s performance, but I did find both him and Lithgow showing up at the same time incredibly abrupt. I don’t normally have a problem with immersion breaking, but that pulled me right out of it.

You should learn the language you purportedly speak.

This is an absurd claim; GMO employees don’t have any friends.

To be fair, Jordan had the exact same stipulation until he got diagnosed with amyloidosis. It was only when he knew his days were limited that he changed his mind and began to prepare for the worst.

I wish the interviewer would have recommended the “Reply All” button to Scorsese. Not enough octogenarians know about the usefulness of “Reply All” in email.

My interest was slightly piqued by the poster, but honestly “psychosexual nightmare comedy” doesn’t sound like anything I want to sit through. I don’t like horror in general though, and I’ve never seen any of his movies, so it’s not like he lost a customer in me.

Not yet, but in five to ten years, who knows how far Artificial IntelliSets will have come.

The table carafe is the best solution no matter what style of cup you get, because it’s a simple matter of replacing the whole thing and letting diners pour for themselves. Which I guess a not insignificant percentage of patrons probably resent, but personally I very much prefer to be able to control my water supply

Honestly, I think they’ve probably all but finalized their solution to this issue already and will probably announce sometime in the next few months. Even if Disney could have done something demonstrating some actual moral aptitude, I think it’s fair to say they’ve handled this way better than WB handled Ezra Miller.

Reservation Dogs would never have been made, until finally we reached a point in our society where it could be. Her movie absolutely could be made sometime in the future, but probably not without this movie being made first.

Another thing about DeNiro’s performance is that I sometimes couldn’t believe they didn’t see through him. I guess there’s only so much one can do when history is history, and you can’t change the fact that Hale apparently hoodwinked everyone, but there are a few times when DeNiro is almost at ‘Man in Hot Dog Suit’

The Osage characters probably were underdeveloped to a degree, but the movie has a truly overwhelming amount of characters, and I had a lot of trouble identifying and differentiating many of the white characters, and very little trouble keeping track of named Osage characters. At one point, the movie time skips and

When I was a kid I loved everything that aired on the TGIF block, so it must have worked perfectly. But pretty much everything on it suffered from the same problems, though none as much as Full House did.