
That’s Shawn Levy? It’s not Professor Professorson?

(Not pausing for effect, image just got kinjaed)

I’ve seen the final cut and I will say here that Aquaman 2 is probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made

References” might be generous, since I think it’s just this:

Has anyone ever seen high school yearbooks from the 80s and 90s? Everyone already looks thirty-five due to cigarette smoke and asbestos, not to mention some real choice hair styles. Michael J Fox could still convincingly play a teenager from the 80s if they started filming Back to the Future 4 today

Well, she looks great!

It’s only been a few years since we had a movie about an ordinary teenage kid dealing with the devastating loss of his maternal parental figure, and then teaming up with two of his doppelgangers from different universes to reconcile his trauma with the power of love.

It’s appreciation for him being a very hot dude

“Supervillain holds world hostage until studio delivers 25 new James Bond movies”

Man, I really need to see Legally Blonde 2.

Now playing

Every day on The AV Club feels like this excellent dissertation on being cool

What language is this comment in? I have no idea what you’re saying.

They were called Analog Culottes back then.

Huh, I thought of it more as a coming of age tale, with some heavy noir influences and a few splashes of Modernism.

I think it’s far more likely she’s his daughter

I haven’t revisited the series since the interactive episode, which I didn’t hate, but it sort of sucked my enthusiasm away pretty effectively anyway. But I also never got the disdain for the Netflix seasons I watched. If anything, the series maybe suffered a bit from expanding from three episodes to six per season.

This seems as good place to ask as any, but why don’t we ever know Doctor Who premiere dates until like the Tuesday before? The specials come out next month, but they haven’t released a date yet. I saw somewhere that they might go with the 23rd as the actual anniversary date, which, you know, great, but why not post

Some people just have tics, and they don’t need some sort of organic plot explanation. It could also just be a con that he hasn’t dropped yet.

I’m honestly still not 100% sure Timely is in fact a variant. I was pretty confident he was just an ancestor until Miss Minute’s rant near the end, but even that isn’t wholly convincing, since she only knows what he told her, and he might have left out crucial details. The only real way it makes sense is if HWR

It’s quite clear what Renslayer’s motives are: to stabilize the TVA with herself back in charge, and presumably with an HWR variant back with her. I think the confusion is largely a result of the show playing coy with what exactly she remembers. She obviously doesn’t remember everything, especially with Miss Minutes