
Gal Gadon’t

That’s a shame. I definitely prefer they not be able to take it off

Now playing

I think this is trying too hard to intellectualize a problem that people only have because they don’t care enough to think things through or pay proper attention to the words they use. It’s actually very easy to describe the bad parts of a strike while not criticising the tactic as “myopic” or “reductive”, two

I liked it ok, but as a noncommittal completionist, I watched it once, realized how much time and effort it would take to see every path, and promptly gave up. And I didn’t even get that far in, I don’t think. Maybe thirty minutes or so.


I think they’ll pair really well with my ham and cheese Starbursts

American Law Enforcement never fails to disappoint. Remember when two nearby police precincts nearly killed each other because they were each attempting to entrap the other? Bock the Blub forever.

He could just tie some ropes around the X and to something on the roof and just let it hang over the side of the building. Would that be any safer?

It’s more or less the same here, at least for residential landlord/tenant instances. But I have to imagine there are some differences between those and commercial properties. Besides which, even if you were renting a home and you decided to dig straight down through the floor and ground to gain direct access to the

If I do, will you dismiss whatever I say out of hand because you don’t agree?

Not having the release is a good thing sometimes

They make cakes out of ice cream now, pal. It’s the future, we can do whatever we want.

Big LOL at “They spread disinformation and push censorship, while claiming the opposite.

Yeah, but I bet passersby can’t smell your house from three hundred feet away. Smelling a Subway nearby is like smelling rain on the wind.

I did the same. I’ll keep my account for now, and I still access it from the web on occasion, but I hope there’s a significant amount of app removals and a subsequent drop in traffic to really rub Musk’s nose in it.

I actually don’t understand how they were talking to the building manager and the tenant was still able to refuse entry. Surely the manager would have the key and tell Elon or whomever to #sand.

Don’t lose hope. It might be an infinitesimal chance, but there is still some possibility that it will fall over and specifically kill Elon. It would be like the whole world’s Christmas gift come early.

Possibly, or he could just heavily overestimate its effects on humans. He knows it doesn’t affect Skrulls, and Humans give an extremely wide berth around pretty much any place with radioactive history. It’s not like we see him bring human prisoners there to die. He only brings captives there to download their

Yeah, and also it even undermines this show, where Rhodey is clearly acting differently than he does anywhere else. I mean, maybe he was really committed to acting the part initially, and only got rash and weird once their plan was nearing completion, but how much more trouble is that for no demonstrable value? If we

There’s no contradiction there, though. G’iah is faking radiation sickness, and it’s playing into Gravik’s assumptions. It’s possible the radiation there isn’t altogether that powerful, even if it’s above what we would consider “safe”. New Skrullos is based around a previously unreported nuclear site, but they don’t