
The teenager angle is pretty cool, but I don’t know why he had Michelangelo always drawing pictures of cloacae.

White men fail up. Same as it ever will be.

It’s probably just because each GMO troll has several accounts, and they rarely bother to distinguish them from each other in any meaningful way.

It really was a pretty good movie somewhat spoiled by a not very good ending, but it got dragged into the National Discourse, which means it’s officially the worst thing ever, aside from all the other worst things ever.

Don’t be rash

Probably convenient for Sony to have the strike as an excuse to delay Beyond the Spider-Verse, if the VFX artists were correct that they had barely even begun it before this year.

Make Scientists Horny Again, I guess. Although Neil deGrasse Tyson did have those rape allegations against him. So actually, Make Scientists Horny But Still Respectful Of Other People’s Boundaries For The First Time.

I’ve never really liked any of the big corporate airlines, I prefer to fly with my local mom and pop planes.

Barbie is ruining my theater experience with this. Covid spoiled me with admittedly unsustainable empty theaters where I didn’t have to acknowledge anyone’s existence other than the ticket taker, and even though that’s been slowly creeping back to normal, now I can’t even go to an afternoon showing on a weekday

lol cope

If anything, ties aren’t foppish enough for being the focal point of an outfit. We need more ascots, cravats, and scarves out in the world.

Honestly, I’m ready to Logan’s Run the whole government, if not the whole country.

Yeah, well, you better not call me that a third time!

Pity. Is there a chance they’ll both be willing to go into a giant aquarium for some “high-intensity sexual behavior” instead?

Is the underlying assumption here that you can change political views back and forth at whim? That if you show 10,000 bigots a bunch of social justice propaganda and it only further entrenches them, then you can conclude that propaganda doesn’t have any effect?

Within a month, I think Twitter will have some freshman philosophy quote embedded at the top of the app. Either “Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here” or something from Nietzsche.

A significant percentage of users will legitimately click on pretty much anything Netflix recommends at the top of the app. And I think if the first ten minutes or so is highly engaging (and Suits fits that bill), most of them probably follow through with all of it. It’s a weird case of the algorithm creating itself.

If I’m ever in need of understanding something, I’m certainly not looking to a troll for insight.

Honestly, I just went looking for some of those infographics of all the upcoming projects and didn’t pay close enough attention. One of them had Jedi: Survivor which is actually a game, and another one had Tales of the Jedi, which is apparently another show that came out but I didn’t know about it. So I guess their

Buddy, you not being able to read your own words even when I quote them back to you is not an argumentative strategy.