
When everyone is spending their money on them and you think it’s a cult… maybe you’re in the cult… it costs you nothing to commit to your opinion

There is the current limitation that two inhabited planets existing “at the same time” is a meaningless construct outside of our solar system. But I do agree that for whatever accounts for “now” somewhere else in the universe, there is some dorky gas cloud posting on its equivalent of an AV Club about the current

Despite Sound of Freedom supposedly driving left leaning people up the wall as much as Barbie actually is doing so to the alt-right, it’s currently at a 97% audience score when including unverified reviewers. That’s because normal people have millions of better things to do than trying to undermine a political agenda

I don’t even really understand how they measure an increase in suicidal thoughts and correlate it to medication in the first place. In my experience, suicidal thoughts could be a result of medication, or it could just be Thursdays.

Haunted Mansion is fine to good, but the best thing about it by a mile is LaKeith Stanfield, and Glover might just cast him in it anyway. I’d be there on Day One for Season 5 of Atlanta, Paper Boi in Space. Darius belongs among the stars anyway.

TV wise, they’re running at about 50%, actually. Aside from The Gina Carano Show and Rogue Squadron, pretty much everything else happened or is coming. I don’t know if they outright cancelled all the Jedi shows, or if those morphed into The Acolyte and Skeleton Crew. Actually looking it up, I guess the Young Jedi show

I’m in a major southern city, and I swear there used to be way more shade around. People think nothing of cutting down a sixty year old tree on their property, and I’m sure any development from the past twenty years viewed every potential tree planted in a parking lot as four fewer parking spaces. The end result is

Not kink shaming, but even if you like it a little rough, it’s always best to use plenty of lube and warm up a little before engaging in anal sex.

I love high fantasy and typically have no trouble following hundreds of characters and dozens of plotlines, and I honestly could barely keep track of season 1. The timeline in that was a big problem, but I finished it having not knowing who was at war with who, or even where major regions were in relation to each

For sure, I just think it would really annoy him if everyone refused to stop calling it that.

I think it’s a reasonable expectation that an industry that always has thousands of people trying to break in should work to hire more unrepresented people, especially when those people are uniquely qualified. Oompa Loompas aren’t real, but they are canonically based on real populations of little people. It’s not out

Is there any sort of legal requirement for journalists (Or Gizmodo, lol) to call Twitter by its new and completely dumb name? I mean, if say The New York Times just continues to call it Twitter, can they be sued or otherwise harassed with Cease and Desist letters?


I don’t want to cast too much blame on these people for being tricked, but a certain amount of media savvy is necessary in this world. There used to be a good argument for going on Fox News and telling an audience who probably otherwise won’t hear any opposing argument what you think. But even that stopped being valid

Haha, my bad for accidentally feeding that delusion. I meant to say the current CXO of Texla

Most of the film has a pretty varied color palette, but nearly every ghost is in all blues, so there are some scenes that coincidentally look a lot like Curse of the Black Pearl whenever they’ve got ghosts moving around at night.

If Greta’s not on board, what’s David Lynch doing? Or Vincent Gallo?

Szazzlax, I’ve told you a thousand times, if you’re too old to play with your Pyramid models, get them out of the nebula. I don’t care where you toss them, just leave them on some empty rock somewhere so that other beings might enjoy them.”

A logical fallacy, you say? Which one?