
This is the fourth season?! Is it like The Handmaid’s Tale where they kept going past the end of the book?

Maybe it’s like Robert Pattinson deliberately not showering and dressing like a hobo during his Twilight days to ward off overzealous fans. I imagine if I saw that Michael Cera on the street, I’d cross to the other side before shouting back “I’m a big fan, Mr. Manager”

Oh, I for sure know that most people seem to pay little to no attention to just about anything, let alone detailed movie news. Like I said, I was aware of people not knowing about follow up installments for Dune or Infinity War. Someone downthread even mentioned people not realizing that The Fellowship of the Ring was

I applaud that decision. Sorry, I know that came off as some sort of value judgment, but I’m not criticising people for choosing to avoid marketing. I don’t even make eye contact with people in public because I don’t want to risk the possibility of someone approaching me and having to then engage in conversation with

Infinity War is a peculiar case, because it kind of ends with everyone having fallen off the cliff entirely. Regardless of the feeling of anticipation it leaves, it’s probably not a true cliffhanger, because the plot Endgame is about reversing The Snap. Normal cliffhangers resolve the danger at the top of the next

Is that not more or less implicit? The key can’t be duplicated, and any fake half can’t be authenticated without the real half. There’s obviously essential code in the true key, while the physical item itself is just some proprietary USB dongle. I’m not saying that it’s not silly or unrealistic, but I don’t think the

Did you know that a third movie was coming out? Or that Spot was supposed to be the antagonist for both? It just seems weird to not at least expect the possibility that it would end on a cliffhanger

Not trying to talk you out of it or anything, but I saw this being discussed and the guilds are not currently recommending people boycotting the studio at the moment.

How much of scifi is just sci after certain technological advances are made? The AI in the movie is not particularly realistic (sentient AI is still magic and not scifi for me), but an AI being developed as a weapon doesn’t sound like it would necessarily still be fiction in ten years or so. I certainly find it more

There’s a been a lot of praise for Hayley Atwell in this movie, and rightly so, but wow is Pom Klementieff mesmerizing to watch every second she’s on screen. It wasn’t even immediately clear to me that she wasn’t just some random chaos agent until well into the movie, but she’s having so much fun the entire time that

I’m not sure why so many people seem to be rooting for this to flop. It’s not being culture warred aside from the people who think Disney is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, but there seems to be a low key sentiment that Disney somehow failed this before it even started. I think it looks like it might be fun, and

I’m still trying to understand how so many people were blindsided by Across the Spider-Verse. Presuming someone didn’t know that it was originally named Part One before the third was renamed Beyond the Spider-Verse, they still should have known there were two sequels coming out in quick succession. I wasn’t sure that

I’m much more open to cliffhangers in general, but I agree that just leaving a dangling plot line open isn’t the same thing as a cliffhanger. Stories can have complete resolutions and still leave an impression that the characters intend to go on living and doing stuff the next day. The ending of The Rise of Skywalker l

too easy

They should scrap all of these and ask for a yearly Purge event for the entire industry. Then the studios can decide on their own that it might be in their best interest to value their labor force.

There’s been diminishing hype for each successive MCU project the past two years. Each one has been mostly quiet until the trailer hits, and then it quiets down again until the next trailer hits. I mean, Loki was highly lauded and very popular, and while anticipation might be running high for its second season, it’s

Fine, graphic novel, whatever.

Sort of, but these physically force their way into your house with a gun and bottles of wine and then refuse to leave.

It’s honestly almost unfair just how outrageously stupid you are.

How does he sign his name?